NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Schemes for Financial Assistance for Seminars,Fesstivals,Exhibitions..2

Funds for NGOs

Activities: Others


 Procedure for submission of application

The Scheme is open throughout the year. The application in the prescribed proforma for grant under the Scheme may be sent to the Director, North Central Zone Cultural Centre (NCZCC), 14, CSP Singh Marg, Allahabad-211001. Telephone No. 0532-2421855, 0532-2423698. The application should either be recommended by any of the National Akademies, any other culture-related organization under the Government of India or by concerned State Government /UT Administration, State Akademies.


Constitution of the Organization

Constitution of the Board of Management or Governing Body and particulars of each member

Copy of the latest available Annual Report

A detailed project report including

Description of the project for which assistance is requested along with its duration and the qualifications and experience of the staff to be employed for the project;

Financial statement of the project giving item wise details of recurring and non recurring expenditure separately, and

The source (s) from which counterpart funds will be obtained.

A statement of income and expenditure of the applicant organization for the previous three years and a copy of the balance sheet for the previous year certified by a Chartered Accountant or a Government Auditor.

An Indemnity Bond in the prescribed Performa on a stamp paper of appropriate denomination;

Details of the bank account in the prescribed proforma to enable electronic transfer of sanctioned funds.

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