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Funds for Indian NGOs and Funds for NGOs

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Japan Fund for Global Environment 2017 (JFGE)

Japan Fund for Global Environment (JFGE) provides grant to Non Governmental Organization (NGO)/Non Profit Organization (NPO) engaged in environmental activities.If you consider applying for our grant program, please kindly follow the guidance page below carefully  Download 2017_Guide_to_th...

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CAMTECH-X JUGAADATHONDeadline: Dec 14, 2016 11:58 AM (EDT)Award: Become a CAMTech-X AmbassadorCAMTech, in partnership with Lattice Innovations, is taking its successful model of medtech hack-a-thons and exponentially expanding its reach and impact across India.Through CAMTech-X Jugaadathon, CAMTech ...

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RFP From Organisations to register as sub-sub Recipient for Sagar and Gwalior in MP

Madhya Pradesh Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS – (MPNP+) REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FROM ORGANIZATIONS WISHING TO REGISTER AS SUB-SUB RECIPIENTS (SSR) in Sagar and Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh) WITH ALLIANCE INDIA FOR Vihaan – A Global Fund Supported Programme ...

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Technical Assistance for Strengthening of Blood Transfusion

  Applications are invited for Technical Assistance for Strengthening of Blood. Transfusion Services and Increasing Access to Safe Blood in India under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) India Funding Opportunity Number: CDC-RFA-GH13-136004CONT17CF...

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Research on the Epidemiology, Prevention and Control of Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses in I

Applications are invited for Research on the Epidemiology, Prevention and Control of Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses in IndiaFunding Opportunity Number: RFA-IP-17-004Closing date 1st March 2017Estimated Total Program Funding: $6,250,000Award Ceiling: $1,250,000Award Floor: $100,000Eligi...

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India Partnerships Program (IPP)

 Applications are invited for India Partnerships Program (IPP) Funding Opportunity Number: APS-386-16-000001 Opportunity Category Explanation: Engage in new or to expand existing public and private sector partnerships for India in priority areas defined by the Government of India...

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The AIF William J. Clinton Fellowship

How to Apply: Login to review and edit your saved application if you have already created a profile.Signup for the first time by entering your email address and creating a password, to start your application.For technical or other support, please email fellowship@aif.org. About the Program...

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Asia New Zealand Foundation

Asia New Zealand Foundation business grants support organisations leading projects that provide New Zealanders with opportunities to learn from the region’s business leaders, and build relationships in Asia.What types of events do business grants support?:In the past, the Asia New Zealand Foun...

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Call for Research Proposals - Ministry of Environment,Forests and Climate Change

The  Ministry  of  Environment,  Forest  &  Climate  Change  invites  research  proposals in prescribed format on various topics under the following broad identified thrust areas.      Thrust areas :    &nb...

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Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Lost Childhoods Fund

Aim of the Fund:This is the first of a series of funds that aim to help us achieve our second strategic aim, to enable especially vulnerable people living anywhere in India to improve their lives.Lost Childhoods is concerned with the many thousands of children and young people who run away from home...

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Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Lost Childhoods Fund - Applications

Applications:Applications for work under this theme can be made through the same process as our India Open Grants Fund. Please use the orange link to access our online application form, and specify within the form that you are applying for funding under this theme.Funding under this theme is not res...

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Paul Hamlyn Foundation - India Open Grants Fund

Aim of the FundThis Fund seeks to meet our strategic aim to enable vulnerable communities living in priority geographical areas to improve their lives.Many communities in India have inherent strengths which are often overlooked when modern development frameworks are used to view them. They have clos...

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Research Grant - Azim Premji University

RESEARCH GRANTCall for ProposalsAs part of Azim Premji University’s efforts to strengthen and elevate the state of understanding of societal processes and outcomes we are launching the second round of our Research Grant Programme. This is designed to promote inquiry into areas of particular in...

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OFID - OPEC Funds for International Development Grants

OFID’s grant program includes technical assistance for small-scale social schemes, sponsorship for research and other intellectual pursuits, and emergency relief aid. Aligning its scope with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG3, “to ensure healthy lives ...

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Call for Papers - Workshop on Youth at Risk by RGNIYD

RGNIYD (Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth and Development ...Call for Papers from Civil Society OrganisationsWorkshop on Youth at Risk: Facilitating the Best Practices and Lessons LearnedIn the backdrop of a national seminar on Youth at Risk, RGNIYD invites civil society institutions actively...

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India Partnership Program - USAID

Funding Opportunity Number: APS-386-16-000001 Funding Opportunity Title: India Partnerships Program (IPP) Opportunity Category Explanation: Engage in new or to expand existing public and private sector partnerships for India in priority areas defined by the Government of India (GOI) and th...

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Apply for FICCI Water Awards

The FICCI Water Awards were launched under the aegis of FICCI Water Mission, to promote awareness, policy advocacy, sharing of best practices and thought leadership in the area of water use efficiency. The awards were initiated with objectives to: Recognize efforts and leadership in the area ...

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Indo-Australian Career Boosting Gold Fellowships

Call status: Open on 24th August, 2016Proposal deadline:31st October, 2016Call Outline:Under the Indo-Australia Collaboration between Department of Biotechnology, Government of India and the Australian Government, Indo-Australian Career Boosting Gold Fellowships (IACBGF) are announced. Under th...

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Call for Proposals on ‘Municipal Solid Waste to Energy’ under Swachh Bharat Mission

Call for Proposals on ‘Municipal Solid Waste to Energy’ under Swachh Bharat MissionCall status: OpenProposal deadline:October 31, 2016Call Outline:The objective of present call is to develop and demonstrate technologies for sustainable utilization of MSW waste for cleaner and pollution f...

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Call for Proposal under Nanobiotechnology- for Academia and Industrial R&D Units

http://www.dbtindia.nic.in/call-nanobiotechnology/Call for Proposal under NanobiotechnologyProposal deadline:before 30th September, 2016Eligible Agencies: Academia and Industrial R&D Units  Call Outline:Aiming to advance research and foster innovations in cutting edge areas of Nanobiotechno...

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