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Funds for Indian NGOs and Funds for NGOs

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Call for Proposal for Starting Post Graduate Certificate and Diploma Program for Skill Development

 Proposal deadline:30th September 2016 Eligible Agencies: Government Institutions and Institutions recognised by UGC, AICTE,MCI Call Outline:The Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology is seeking proposals from Universities/Institutions for starting certifica...

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DBT-CIHR Canada,Request for Applications (RFA) to support the Healthy Life Trajectories Initiative

Proposal deadline::October 18, 2016Call OutlineBackground:The Healthy Life Trajectories Initiative is a priority-driven collaborative initiative between the Department of Biotechnology and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. The Department of Biotechnology’s mandate is to promote ...

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WWF India Small Grant Programme - Conservation and Research

 WWF India Small Grant Programme - Conservation and Research:  With the aim of encouraging young Indians to respond innovatively and independently to the conservation issues which affect the country, WWF-India is offering eligible individuals a one-time grant of up to Rs. 400,000...

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WWF India Small Grant Programme - Application Process

WWF India Small Grant Programme - Application Process:All grants are considered for funding on a competitive merit basis. A screening committee at WWF-India will evaluate the selection of grantees based on the above mentioned criteria along with the technical strength of the applicant to e...

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Unniti Foundation Grants

The Unniti Foundation provides grants to individuals, projects, and organizations in India and Nepal. The Foundation serves to fund work directed toward the alleviation of poverty through the enhancement of skills and opportunities for productive endeavors. Its special focus is on hel...

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Unniti Foundation Grants-2

The Unniti ModelThe Unniti Foundation Grants- It is a grant-giving organization, but its support goes far beyond financial assistance. Without interfering in grantees' projects, the Foundation aims to provide technical assistance and guidance to build organizational capability, sustai...

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Inter Cultural Innovation Award - UNAOC

Why an Intercultural Innovation Award? Cultural diversity can bring important societal, cultural and economic benefits. It can stimulate entrepreneurship, creativity in arts and literature, and success in sports. Culturally diverse workforces are best placed to identifybusiness o...

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Dalit Foundation Grants

Dalit Foundation, a non-government organisation, is the first grant-making institution in South Asia working for the empowerment of Dalit communities. The Foundation supports individuals, community-based organisations, and networks that work to secure social change and protect the rights of Dalit. D...

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Dalit Foundation Grant - Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criteria for GrantsApplicant organizations must:Work in innovative ways to bring about change on a range of Dalit issues such as land reforms, manual scavenging etc.have an annual budget not exceeding Rupees 10 lakh [$25,000]are led by people – especially women – from the dis...

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Vijay Amritraj Foundation Grants

Funding Guidelines: The Foundations focus is on funding the smaller charities of India who do not have the ability to raise money or awareness for their causes. Charities serving children and adults who face extreme challenges in life; HIV/AIDS, Family Abandonment, and Individuals Ostracized by...

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Vijay Amritraj Foundation Grants - How to Apply

When to Apply:Applications are accepted year-round, but those received between September 1 and December 31 will be considered only for the following calendar year.Proposals are reviewed and funded 3 times a year. Reviews take place in January, May, and September. During the review period, prospectiv...

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Scottish Landfill Communities Fund - Scotland

SUEZ Communities Trust provides funds to not-for-profit organisations to undertake work that is eligible under the Scottish Landfill Communities Fund (SLCF). Applications are considered for the five main areas of work which qualify for funding through the SLCF. These include: Land Reclamation (...

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South Asia Voluntary Enterprise Grants

SAVE-UK and SAVE-INDIA’s aims and objectives are to achieve the millennium development goals by alleviating poverty and promoting social opportunity.SAVE works as a non-political and non-religious charitable organisation to:Improve - Education and healthPromote - Mother and child care, nutriti...

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KR Foundation Sustainable Behaviour Grant

Applications are invited from KR Foundation Grants.  The last date to apply is September 12, 2016 KR Foundation  generally supports non-profit organisations working with advocacy, communication, and behavioural change.What we fundIn our general approach to funding we:Support activitie...

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3ie Grants - Promoting Latrine Use in Rural India

3ie, in collaboration with the Research Institute for Compassionate Economics, requests research or evaluation organisations or consortia to submit qualifications for a preparation grant, under 3ie’s new Promoting Latrine Use in Rural India Thematic Window.This new grant window will support th...

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3i2 Grants - 2

Looking for suitable partners for applying to this grant window? Several organisations have contacted 3ie showing interest in applying for grants under the Promoting Latrine Use in Rural India Thematic Window. In response to this feedback, 3ie has created a matchmaking page to facilitate partne...

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Expression of Interest – NGO Partnership for HAPPY Project in Mumbai

Expression of Interest – NGO Partnership for HAPPY Project in MumbaiPeriod of Project: August 2016 to July 2019Last date to Apply: 13thAug 2016Introduction and Background:Deepam Educational Society for Health (DESH), a non-profit, voluntary, is a pioneering organization working at Pan India le...

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Request for Proposals - Andhra Pradesh Biodiversity Board

The Andhra Pradesh Biodiversity Board was established under Section 22(1) of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 vide G.O.Ms.No.68, EFS&T Dept.,dated 11.5.2006 was notified in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette No.290 dated May 20, 2006 as a follow up action of International Convention of Biolo...

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Request for Proposals for selection of Consultancy Firms for preparation of GIS base Maps

Urban Development and Housing Department, Government of Bihar invites proposals for selection of Consultancy Firms for preparation of GIS base Maps in 12 Towns of Bihar on 1:1000 scale. For more information see the attached ad published in Times of India see the link below:http://epaperbeta.timesofi...

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HCL Grant Call for Entries now Open

   HCL Grant Adds Two More Categories This YearHealth and Environment added besides EducationCall for Entries OpenDear Change Leader,As you would probably know, HCL Grant<http://hclgrant.hcltech.com/>, is an initiative by HCL Foundation, the corporate social responsibility arm o...

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