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Funds for NGOs and Funds for Indian NGOs

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Ernst Mach Grants

Area of Study or Research:Natural SciencesTechnical SciencesHuman Medicine, Health SciencesAgricultural Sciences, Social Sciences Grant Benefit Paid Supplementary grant, own funds are required!  1) Monthly grant rate 940 EUR2) Accident and health insurance, accommodation&nbs...

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third Call for Proposals is soliciting applications to conduct evidence syntheses

 This third Call for Proposals is soliciting applications to conduct evidence syntheses on the topics of market support interventions and pastoralist livelihoods in humanitarian crises.Issue date: Thursday, 22 October 2015Deadline: Thursday, 19 November 2015, 17.00 GMT, 12.00 EST (GMT-5), 20.00...

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Unilever Awards September 25, 2015, world leaders will sign up to 17 United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development. These ambitious goals set out to end extreme poverty, tackle climate change, empower women, secure universal water access, and reduce hunger by...

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Wilson Ornithology Society Calls for Applications

General Information and RequirementsThe deadline for applications and recommendations is Feb. 1, 2016 midnight EST.Each year, the Wilson Ornithological Society offers four types of research grants for a total of up to 11 awards. The focus of each of the four types of grants ...

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UNDF Invites Applications for Advance and Support Democracy

The United Nations Democracy Fund invites civil society organizations to apply for funding for projects to advance and support democracy during the annual proposal window, which is open only from 15 November to 31 December at Only on-line proposals during this period, in ei...

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CESAB Pre-proposals - Call for Applicatins

CESAB  Pre-proposals should include the following items. A cover sheet • Date of submission • Descriptive title • Short title: an acronym for use as a project name • Principal Investigator’s name and contact information • Project summary: a brief scient...

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Calls for research projects of the CEnter for the Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity are launched once a year since 2010. replica rolex orologi The CESAB provides to expert groups the necessary resources and infrastructure to share data sets and/or conduct extensive reflections on new biodivers...

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Call for Proposals - Water Aid - Climate Finance Iniative - Application Process

Objectives: The overall objective of the Climate Finance Initiative is todemonstrate (by supporting a project or strategy development cycle from inception to completion) how global climate finance can be used to support government-owned and climate-resilient WASH interventions that prioritise the WA...

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Request for Proposals - Climate Finance Initiative

Proposals are  invited by WaterAid s for a new Climate Finance Initiative. The aim is to demonstrate the changes required to ensure that a proportion of future climate finance flows is spent on increasing the water security and climate resilience of people living in WASH poverty.replica patek p...

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USAID Let Girls Learn - Criteria

    replcia watches uk  General Criteria for ConsiderationA. Submissions are not evaluated against other submissions, but solely against the evaluation criteria from the BAA.B. Decisions regarding USAID’s pursuit of a particular project, technology or relationship are ...

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The USAID Let Girls Learn Initiative BAA

 Ref Number: BAA-WW-LGL-2015 USAID seeks opportunities to co-create, co-design, co-invest, and collaborate in the research, development, piloting, testing, and scaling of innovative, practical and cost-effective interventions to address adolescent girls’ education. The United States ...

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Asia Foundation Development Felows Selection Procedure

Selection Procedure: The selection for the Asia Foundation Development Fellows program is highly competitive. Initial screening and evaluation will be handled by staff at The Asia Foundation who will review each application thoroughly and narrow down applicants to a pool of finalists. Later, fi...

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Asia Foundation Development Fellows Eligibility

Eligibility ad Selection Criteria for Asia Foundation Development Fellows - they must:Have a demonstrable record of high achievement, and must show evidence of outstanding potential for professional advancement, and significant impact in their chosen field;Have a demonstrable record of experien...

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Asia Foundation Development Fellows

Program Description:The Asia Foundation Development Fellows program is comprised of the following five components: Leadership Training Program [South Korea] – The Leadership Training Program features an intensive one-week course at the Korea Development Institute (KDI) School of Public Po...

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Medienbotschafter Fellowships for India - Germany Journalists

The fellowship program “Medienbotschafter Indien – Deutschland (Media Ambassadors India-Germany)” aims to attract journalists with an interest in international understanding between India and Germany. During a stay of three months, Indian and German journalists gain knowledge of th...

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Roberty Key Memorial Fund - EJAF - Eligibility Criteria

Grant Criteria for Robert Key Memorial Fund:  The following criteria apply to the Robert Key Memorial Fund only.   Must operate in one of our programme countries: Botswana, Cameroon, Cote D’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Moz...

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Roberty Key Memorial Fund - EJAF

In memory of Robert Key MBE (1947-2009), who co-founded with Sir Elton the UK arm of the Elton John AIDS Foundation. Robert was the first Executive Director of the Foundation. He had a personal mission to provide support to individuals who had no access to treatment or were shunned and shamed b...

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Hungary Project - 2 Open Sociey

2. Hungary 2025The Hungary Project seeks to inspire the development of long-term, liberal visions on Hungarian politics with special focus on bridging the gap between the EU and Hungarian politics in key issues such as migration/asylum and transparency/accountability. Grantees are selected through u...

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Hungary Project - Open Society

The Open Society Foundations have been actively supporting Hungarian civil society for the last 30 years. The Hungary Project, part of the Rights and Liberties team of the Open Society Initiative for Europe, is an indirect successor to the national foundation that was transformed into the Hungary Pr...

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Open Society Fellowships - 2015-16 Eligibility

Eligibility Criteria: The Open Society Fellowship accepts proposals from anywhere in the world. Applicants should possess a deep understanding of their chosen subject and a track record of professional accomplishment. Past and current fellows have included journalists, activists, academics, and...

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