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Funds for NGOs and Funds for Indian NGOs

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Chateaubriand Fellowships

HSS Chateaubriand is a fellowship program offered by the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the US. It targets outstanding Ph.D. students from American universities who seek to engage in research in France, in any discipline of the Humanities and Social Sciences.HSS Chateaubriand fellows are...

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ITTO Fellowship Eligible Countries

Eligible Countries Benin Cameroon Central African Republic ​ Congo Côte d'Ivoire Democratic Republic of the Congo Gabon Ghana Liberia Mali Mozambique Togo Asia & Pacific (10) Cambodia Fiji India Indonesia Malaysia Myanmar Papua New Guinea Philippines Thailand Vietnam Latin Ameri...

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ITTO Fellowships Eligibility

 EligibilityOnly nationals of ITTO Member countries are eligible to apply.Awards are to be made to individuals not to institutions.Previous ITTO Fellowship awardees are not eligible to apply for another ITTO Fellowship within two years of receiving the first award and submitting to the Secretar...

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ITTO Fellowship Programme

ITTO offers fellowships through the Freezailah Fellowship Fund to promote human resource development and to strengthen professional expertise in member countries in tropical forestry and related disciplines. The goal is to promote the sustainable management of tropical forests, the efficient use and...

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Organic Farming Research Foundation Grants

PROPOSAL INFORMATION FOR RESEARCH AND PROJECTSThe Organic Farming Research Foundation has worked nationally to foster the improvement and widespread adoption of organic farming systems. OFRF cultivates organic research, education, and federal policies that bring more farmers and acreage into organic...

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Tufts Health Plan Foundation Seeks LOIs Application Process

How to Apply The Tufts Health Plan Foundation invests in communities through grants to nonprofit organizations whose work considers healthy living with a focus on healthy aging. Ideas must demonstrate evidence-based or evidence-informed practice or have potential and measurable impact that bene...

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Tufts Health Plan Foundation Seeks LOIs for Projects to Improve Health Systems

The Tufts Health Plan Foundation supports nonprofit organizations in their work to improve systems and best practices that influence and ultimately result in healthy communities and age-friendly cities. The Foundation will fund activities in Health and Wellness, Workforce Development, Purposeful Eng...

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Glenn-American Federation Seeks LOIs for Breakthroughs in Gerontology Awards-Eligibility

Eligibility: To be eligible, applicants must at the time they submit their proposal be full-time faculty members at the rank of Assistant Professor or higher. A strong record of independent publication beyond the postdoctoral level is a requirement. Individuals who are employees in the NIH Intr...

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Glenn-American Federation Seeks LOIs for Breakthroughs in Gerontology Awards

Background: Making the connection between aging research and disease or disability prevention has become increasingly important as the global population ages.  Substantial resources have been directed to research on the biology of aging through public and private support.  The field h...

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Winn Feline Foundation Seeks Applications for Research Promoting Cat Health

Winn Feline Foundation Seeks Applications for Research Promoting Cat HealthNOVEMBER 13, 2015DEADLINE: DECEMBER 14, 2015 Founded in 1968, the Winn Feline Foundation works to enhance the relationship between cats and humans by fostering improvements of feline health through research and education...

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Fellowships for Arts Managers - Devos Institute of Arts Management

The Institute’s fellowship program is offered free of charge to arts managers from across the United States and around the world who are selected through a competitive application process. These fellows attend a four-week program in residence at the University of Maryland each spring for three...

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Wilson Ornithology Society Calls for Applications Instructions

Application InstructionsThe deadline for applications and recommendations is Feb. 1, 2015.Proposal GuidelinesFile formats and components:Applicants are encouraged to submit proposals electronically. Applicants will be informed by e-mail of receipt of their application. Late applications or any appli...

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Wilson Ornithology Society Calls for Applications- Eligibillity

General Eligibility Rules and RequirementsAn applicant may be a citizen of any country.Membership in the Wilson Ornithological Society is strongly encouraged, but not required. Click here for more information about membership.Applicants may be of any age.Generally, any avian research is eligibl...

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Ernst Mach Grants - Eligible countries

General Information• Grants are only awarded for studies at universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulen) where the majority of the costs for the study place is borne by the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW).• The selection process for all grants for Austria is...

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Ernst Mach Grants - Eligibility

Eligible for application are students who a) are studying a master Programme at a university in one of the above-defined countries of origin orb) are studying a Bachelor Programme at a university in one of the above-defined countries of origin and have successfully completed at least 4 sem...

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Strengthen Organisation Small Grants - ISPP Call for Proposals- Sample Format

There is not a rigid format for proposals. However, please include the following components: The title of the project; The person or persons submitting the proposal, including their affiliations and complete contact information. Ifnon-members will be involved in the proposed project,...

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Call for Proposals - Small Local Projects in Bangladesh, Nepal& Sri Lanka in 2016-Financial Support

5.     Financial supportThe maximum amount to be allocated for SML is:Bangladesh:    300 000 CZK                        (approximately 10 000 EUR)Nepal:             400 000 CZK    ...

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Call for Proposals - Small Local Projects in Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka in 2016

1.Small Local Projects: Small Local Projects (“SLPs”) are the development projects financed by the Government of the Czech Republic, identified by the Embassy and after the approval of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic also administrated by the Embassy. SLPs are carr...

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Atmospheric Pollution & Human Health in an Indian Megacity Announcement of Opportunity

 NERC and the Medical Research Council (MRC) in the UK (with input from the Newton Fund) and the Earth System Science Organization, Ministry of Earth Sciences (ESSO-MoES) and Department for Biotechnology (DBT) in India are investing in a strategic research programme on urban air pollution in th...

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Strengthen Organisation Small Grants - ISPP Call for Proposals

Call for Small Grant Proposals for Potential Funding by ISPPIn 2008, the ISPP Governing Council decided to use a portion of the income from ISPP investment funds for small grants that further the goals of ISPP. As stated in prior year’s announcements, the purpose of these modest grants is...

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