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ITTO Fellowships Eligibility

Funds for NGOs
Last date 22 Feb 2016

Activities: Others


  • Only nationals of ITTO Member countries are eligible to apply.
  • Awards are to be made to individuals not to institutions.
  • Previous ITTO Fellowship awardees are not eligible to apply for another ITTO Fellowship within two years of receiving the first award and submitting to the Secretariat a final report on the activity for which the award was made.

Applications are appraised by a Fellowship Selection Panel twice a year.  The Panel comprises six individuals, three from producer member countries and three from consumer member countries, and is chaired by the Vice Chairman of the ITTC.
Priority areas
Based on the expected outcomes and cross-cutting actions identified in the ITTO Strategic Action Plan  2013 -2018 eligible activities will aim at developing human resources and professional expertise in one or more of the following areas (in no priority order):
  • Promote good governance and enabling policy frameworks for strengthening SFM and related trade, and enhancing SFM financing and investment;
  • Increase the contribution of tropical forests to national and local economies, including through
  • international trade;
  • Enhance the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in tropical timber producing forests;
  • Reduce tropical deforestation and forest degradation and enhance the provision of environmental services;
  • Improve the quality and availability of information on tropical forests, forest product markets and trade; and
  • Build and develop human resource capacity to implement SFM and increase trade in forest goods and services from sustainably managed forests.
Selection criteria
Fellowship applications will be assessed against the following selection criteria (in no priority order):
  • Consistency of the proposed activity with the Programme's objective and priority areas;
  • Qualifications of the applicant to undertake the proposed Fellowship activity;
  • The potential of the skills and knowledge acquired or advanced under the Fellowship activity to lead to wider applications and benefits nationally and internationally;
  • Reasonableness of costs in relation to the proposed Fellowship activity.
  • Additional consideration will be given to:
  • Geographic and gender balance;
  • Balance among the ITTO priority areas;
  • Competency in the language in which the training will be given, where applicable (eg courses, conferences, study tours).
The ITTO Fellowships are awarded mainly to nationals of developing countries. However, ITTO may award Fellowships to nationals of consumer developed countries when: (a) the activities for which the awards are made are carried out in Producer Member countries and the activities tend to benefit Producer Member countries; and/or (b) there is evidence of technology transfer for activities to be carried out in developed countries.
Eligible countries 
Application and submission
On-line Application is available in English, French, and Spanish (the official languages of ITTO) at  Please read carefully the information and general instructions contained in this note before submitting your application.  Should you have any question, please contact the ITTO Secretariat at the following address:
  ITTO Fellowship Programme
    International Tropical Timber Organization
    Pacifico-Yokohama 5F, 1-1-1, Minato-Mirai, Nishi-ku
    Yokohama 220-0012, JAPAN
    Tel: (81-45) 223-1110    Fax: (81-45) 223-1111

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