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Funds for NGOs and Funds for Indian NGOs

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WPI Fellowships for Journalists - Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility RequirementsAt least five (5) years full-time employment in print, broadcast, or online journalism.Journalists can work for news or editorial departments of newspapers, wire services, radio, television, web sites, online publications or magazines of general public interest.Photojournalis...

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WPI Fellowships for Journalists-How to Apply

How to ApplyThank you for your interest in a WPI Fellowship. The application period for the 2016 program opened on December 1, 2015 and will close on February 15, 2016. Please read the information below. The link to the actual application can be found at the bottom of this page.Selection is a compet...

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WPI Fellowships for Journalists

The WPI fellowship is offered to 10 journalists from countries around the world. It provides immersion into the governance, politics, business, media, journalistic ethics and culture of the United States for experienced international journalists, through a demanding schedule of study, travel and int...

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Summer School in Human Rights Litigation - Call for Applications

The Open Society Justice Initiative and Central European University invite applicants for the 2016 Summer School in Human Rights Litigation, to be held in Budapest from July 11 to 15.The summer school provides a unique opportunity for human rights professionals to build on their experience and to de...

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Unniti Foundation Grants for India and Nepal

The Unniti Foundation provides grants to individuals, projects, and organizations in India and Nepal. The Foundation serves to fund work directed toward the alleviation of poverty through the enhancement of skills and opportunities for productive endeavors. Its special focus is on helping women and ...

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Thought for Food Initiatives - Criteria

Application process for Thought for Food Initiative A. Eligibility To be eligible, a proposal must meet the following criteria: a) Involve at least one research partner as part of the consortium submitting theproposal. The proposal should clearly identify the Project Coordinator (whic...

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Thought for Food Initiatives - Call for Proposals

TRIPARTITE CALL FOR PROPOSALS Agropolis Fondation, Fondazione Cariplo and Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso are pleased to announce the launch of the “Thought for Food Initiative: Transdisciplinary research towards more sustainable food systems” Call for Proposals.This Call aims to (...

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Better Evidence for Children and Youth - How to Apply

For each accepted proposal, the authors must go through the typical Campbell editorial process by submitting a title registration, a protocol, and a full review. The protocol and review will both go through the standard Campbell Collaboration external peer review processHalf of the grant amount will...

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Better Evidence for Children and Youth - Call for Applications

The Campbell Collaboration’s Education and Crime & Justice Coordinating Groups and the Jacobs Foundation are pleased to announce grants to support the development and publication of systematic reviews that address important issues in child and youth development. Grants between $25,000 and ...

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Positive Action for Children Application Process

2016 Call for ProposalsThe 2016 Call of Proposals is limited to large grant applications only. Large grants have an upper limit of £300,000 over three years and a lower limit of £75,000 (minimum £25,000 per year). No small grant applications are being considered in this round.PACF ...

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Positive Action for Children Fund - Eligible Countries

Your OrganisationThe PACF is targeted at helping communities affected by HIV and AIDS. Any properly registered not-for-profit organisation that represents, or is working with or for, affected communities is eligible to submit a proposal. Your application should demonstrate why your organisation is q...

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Positive Action for Children Call for Proposals

 The Positive Action for Children Fund (PACF) is an integral part of ViiV Healthcare’s commitment to communities affected by HIV and AIDS. We support organisations to deliver prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV services, which empower mothers and children across the ...

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Open Society Presidential Fellowships

The Open Society Presidential Fellowship is awarded yearly to recent JD, LLM, MPA, MPP, and MBA graduates from accredited law, public policy, and business schools. Based in New York City, Fellows pursue work related to human rights, good governance, and justice through an 11-month residence within t...

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Open Society Internship for Rights and Governance Crieria

Eligibility Criteria:Applications will only be accepted from the following universities:Boğaziçi University Department of Political Science and International RelationsHarvard Kennedy School of GovernmentJindal School of Government and Public PolicyKoç University Graduate School of...

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Open Society Internship for Rights and Governance

Applications are invited for The Open Society Internship for Rights and Governance is a project of the Open Society Foundations that launched in the summer of 2013 in partnership with the School of Public Policy at Central European University. It is designed to inspire a new cohort of practitioners ...

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Masers Scholarships Cenral European University

Applications are now being accepted for master’s scholarships at Central European University.The Central European University in Budapest is an internationally recognized institution of postgraduate education established by George Soros and supported by the Open Society Foundations. It is accre...

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Organic Farming Research Foundation Grants Crieria

The following criteria will be used to evaluate research proposals:Presents clear objectives demonstrating that the project will foster the improvement and/or widespread adoption of organic farming practices, and specifies measurable outcomes that will indicate successful achievement of the objectiv...

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Organic Farming Research Foundation Grants- Proposal Requirements

PROPOSAL CONTENT REQUIREMENTSFill out the online application form and include the name, phone number, address, and electronic contact information for all researchers and farmer/rancher collaborators involved in the project. Identify the primary investigator for the project and the project title. You...

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Organic Farming Research Foundation Grants.Topics

Topics:This request for proposals is open to any agricultural production, social, economic, or policy-related topic of concern to organic farmers and/or ranchers. OFRF supports research that is relevant to and takes place in certified organic systems. OFRF does not fund studies that compare conventi...

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Chateaubriand Fellowships Eligibility

ELIGIBILITYCandidates must be currently working on their Ph.D.Candidates do not have to be U.S. citizens, but they must be enrolled in an American university. However, French citizens are not eligible to apply.Candidates must obtain a letter of recommendation from their advisor(s) in the U.S., as we...

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