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Funds for NGOs and Funds for Indian NGOs

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UN Trust Fund for Women to End Violence Against Women 2016 - Programme Areas

UN Trust Fund Priority Programmatic Areas The UN Trust Fund’s programmatic areas will complement existing national and UN-led efforts toprotect human rights and promote gender equality in the context of Sustainable Development Goals and all other existing international commitments to...

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UN Trust Fund for Women to End Violence Against Women 2016- Guidelines

The 2016 Call for Proposals3.1. Guiding Principles of the UN Trust Fund The UN Trust Fund promotes initiatives based on the following principles: • Human rights-based and gender-responsive approaches that place paramount priority on promoting,protecting and fulfilling the human rights...

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UN Trust Fund for Women to End Violence Against Women 2016

The UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women launched its new Strategic Plan in 2015. Its mission over five years (2015-2020) is to advocate for and finance innovative and replicable approaches for preventing and ending violence against women and girls, to catalyze learning from global ...

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Skoll Awards

SKOLL AWARDS FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIPThe Skoll Foundation presents the Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship each year to a select group of social entrepreneurs whose innovations have already had significant, proven impact on some of the world’s most pressing problems, and invests direct...

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World of Children Awards 2016 pg2

SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS FOR YOUTH AWARD NOMINEES: Youth Nominees can be nominated for the Youth Award only, and must be under the age of 21 by the nomination submission deadline to be eligible. The organization of individuals nominated for the Youth Award must have been registered as a nonpr...

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World of Children Awards 2016

World of Children® Award provides funding and recognition to support life-changing work for children by discovering and elevating only the most effective changemakers for children worldwide. We give awards in 5 categories — the Education, Health, Humanitarian, Protection and Youth Awa...

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OFID Grants - Criteria

Frequently asked questions Below is a list of frequently-asked questions (FAQs) relating to our grant funding guidelines. We ask that all applicants review the FAQs before submitting a grant application. How should our organization apply for a grant? A: Applicants must complete a gran...

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OFID Grants

Application for Grants - The OPEC Fund for International DevelopmentEligibility:Those eligible are international, national, regional and non-governmental organizations that supply proof of their financial and legal status. Please be advised that individuals, private entities and OFID Member States* ...

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New England Biolab Foundation

Application Deadlines:The first step in the process is to submit a letter of inquiry to us following the guidelines posted here. Please do not submit a full proposal to us without first being invited by our staff to do so.Our trustees meet twice a year to review proposals, typically in July and Dece...

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Early Career Academic Grants

Early Career Academic Grants:  Early Career Academic Grants are open to early career academics employed by ACU member universities to enable them to participate in a conference held in a Commonwealth country other than their own.30 grants are available in 2016.Eligibility:  At the time of ...

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Organisational Development Grants to Think Tanks - Priorities

Purpose and PrioritiesOrganizational development grants support only the development component of independent policy research actors. Prior to receiving a grant, applicants will have to analyze what does and does not work inside the organization. They will be the drivers of change by presenting a de...

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Organisational Development Grants to Think Tanks - Criteria

Eligibility Criteria:As part of the Open Society Initiative for Europe, the Think Tank Fund for Wider Europe requests proposals for organizational development grants from independent, multi-issue think tanks working in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro,...

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Organisational Development Grants to Think Tanks

A robust policy process is critical to building open society. It offers a venue for wide public participation, enables a discussion of ideas informed by evidence, and prevents attempts to establish a monopoly on truth. Strengthening such processes is critical to Open Society’s mandate of ensur...

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Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund..Grant Application

The Fund has been established to provide targeted grants to individual species conservation initiatives, recognize leaders in the field and elevate the importance of species in the broader conservation debate. Its focus is global and eligibility for grants will extend to all plant, animal and fungi ...

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Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund.

The Fund intends to be as flexible and accommodating as possible when reviewing applications, and to take into account as many different factors as is reasonable when assessing the merit of a suggested project. To support this and to try to streamline the application process, the review process is k...

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The Civil Society Scholar Awards (CSSA) -Scholarships

The Civil Society Scholar Awards (CSSA) support international academic mobility to enable doctoral students and university faculty to access resources that enrich socially engaged research and critical scholarship in their home country or region.The awards support activities such as fieldwork (data ...

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Call for Proposals | Kosmos 2016 Seed Grants – Igniting Civic Engagement

Kosmos is pleased to announce the second year of the Kosmos Seed Grant initiative. Two Kosmos Seed Grants of $2,500 each will be awarded in Spring 2016 to individuals or organizations working to advance social change, specifically by encouraging and enabling civic engagement.Guidelines for applicant...

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OPCF Conservation Funding 2016-17

2016 TO 2017 CONSERVATION FUNDING GUIDELINESBackground:OPCFHK envisions a world where Asian wildlife remains biologically diverse under the stewardship of humans, corporations and governments.  We are committed to advocating, facilitating and participating in effective conservation efforts of A...

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Call for Proposals: Innovative Development Approaches to Forced Displacement

Applications are invited for Innovative Development Approaches to Forced Displacement.  Background:Forced displacement induced by conflict, violence, and human right violations is on the rise. Recent largescale movements of refugees are only the latest manifestation of a global crisis...

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Common Wealth Foundation Grants

The new call for grants is now open. The deadline for submission of the preliminary application form is 17.00GMT on 5 January 2016. Please see the updated guidelines and supporting documentation available here. With more than 2.3 billion citizens, the Commonwealth provides a potentially huge po...

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