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Positive Action for Children Application Process

Funds for NGOs
Last date 29 March 2016

Activities: Health/Nutrition,HIV AIDS/SRH

2016 Call for Proposals

The 2016 Call of Proposals is limited to large grant applications only. Large grants have an upper limit of £300,000 over three years and a lower limit of £75,000 (minimum £25,000 per year). No small grant applications are being considered in this round.

PACF Online System

All applications must be submitted via the PACF online system. You can access this system at via the link provided on our website at: 

Organisations must be registered on the PACF online system before you are able to submit your application. If you have registered previously, your login details remain valid and can be used to access the system and submit your application. If you have not previously registered, please follow the alternative link provided on our website.

Please do not email applications to the Positive Action for Children Fund Mailbox. We will only accept Concept Notes via the online application system. If you have any problems accessing the online system please review Appendix 2, the FAQs in this document and/or contact the Positive Action for Children Fund mailbox.

Completing Your Concept Note

During this initial call for proposals PACF is requesting completed Concept Notes only. You should not write a full proposal at this stage.

The Concept Note application form requires you to outline the problem your organisation is trying to address, how you will address this problem and your capabilities to respond. It will also require completion of an outline budget. Please ensure you complete this form in full and ensure that it meets our application criteria outlined in this document. Concept Notes that are not well aligned to our criteria will not be taken further. 

Deadline: All applications must be received by 23:59 GMT on March 29th 2016. Please remember to upload all required attachments including the completed letter of declaration, contact details of your trustees, proof of your organisation’s registered status, a copy of your last set of audited accounts, a list of your sources of funding for the previous year and a summary budget.

How 2016 Proposals Should Be Targeted

PACF’s 2016 Call for Proposals is focused on non-governmental and community-based organisations that can deliver change at a community level through their links with or representation of the communities affected. Please take into account the following criteria when developing your proposal.

i. New Project
Your project must consist of new work that has not been previously funded. It can include projects transferred to a new location(s) and/or include the expansion of a recently tested model or pilot. It may not be a continuation of a previously funded activity/service. 

ii. Community Focus
The PACF aims to alleviate the impact of HIV and AIDS on women and children’s health by supporting interventions that engage affected communities, developing their capacity to participate and lead.

Community engagement, participation and/or leadership are mandatory requirements for all PACF grants - your proposal must demonstrate how your work will engage, involve or empower affected communities.
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