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Positive Action for Children Call for Proposals

Funds for NGOs
Last date 29 March 2016

Activities: Health/Nutrition,HIV AIDS/SRH

The Positive Action for Children Fund (PACF) is an integral part of ViiV Healthcare’s commitment to communities affected by HIV and AIDS. We support organisations to deliver prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV services, which empower mothers and children across the globe. Every year, we continue to form new partnerships with community focused organisations; who strive to alleviate the devastating effects of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

In 2009, ViiV Healthcare committed to invest £50 million in the PACF over ten years. In the past five years, PACF has invested £19.8 million in more than 150 partnerships. PACF supports organisations across four continents, with special attention given to countries with the most need of PMTCT interventions: Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Angola, Burundi, Chad, Tanzania, Kenya and India.

PACF’s efforts align to UNAIDS' Global Plan and the World Health Organisation’s PMTCT Strategy, both of which aim to eliminate new HIV infections among children and keep their mothers alive. The Fund also aims to alleviate the impact of HIV and AIDS on women and children’s health by supporting interventions that engage affected communities, developing their capacity to participate and lead.

The PACF aims to alleviate the impact of HIV and AIDS on women and children’s health by supporting interventions that engage affected communities, developing their capacity to participate and lead. This call is focused on non-governmental and community-based organisations that can deliver change at a community level thanks to their links with or representation of the communities affected. Please note: the 2016 Call for Proposals is limited to Large Grant applications only. Large grants have an upper limit of £300,000 over three years and a lower limit of £75,000 (minimum £25,000 per year). No small grant applications are being considered in this round.

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