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WPI Fellowships for Journalists - Eligibility Criteria

Funds for NGOs
Last date 15 Feb 2016

Activities: Others

Eligibility Requirements

At least five (5) years full-time employment in print, broadcast, or online journalism.
Journalists can work for news or editorial departments of newspapers, wire services, radio, television, web sites, online publications or magazines of general public interest.

Photojournalists, editorial cartoonists, columnists and broadcast producers are also eligible.

Those who supervise journalists are eligible providing that they also have at least five years as a working journalist.

Any journalism-related work completed as a university student does not count toward experience. People who work in public relations or at organizations whose primary business is not the media are not eligible.

Must be currently employed as a non U.S. journalist working outside of the United States.
Fluency in both written and spoken English.
Potential for leadership
Terms of the Fellowship

WPI fellows are required to prepare for and participate in all briefings and all other scheduled WPI events. They must agree to stay for the entire program and to return to their home countries at the program's conclusion.

WPI requires that fellows write for the WPI Web site, including the blog, WPI Reports, and submit up to three stories for WPI's online partners during their fellowship. They are also encouraged to file for their readers, listeners or viewers back home.

Periodic reviews and evaluations are required, and WPI fellows participate in several roundtable discussions about their insights into the U.S. or international journalism issues.

Fellows must have a tolerance for others of different cultures. The program involves a lot of travel, is nonstop, and fellows live out of suitcases much of the time as venues change frequently.

Violations of these terms could result in termination from the program

Letters of Recommendation

During the online application process, you will need to provide the names and email addresses of three (3) references. WPI will contact them with information on how they can submit online letters of recommendation.

Recommendations should be written by individuals familiar with your work who can comment on your journalistic abilities and potential for growth and leadership. These letters should be in English and address your experience, qualifications, and potential.
One of the three recommendation should be from your immediate supervisor.
Work Samples

Please make sure all samples contain the date on which they were published. Most, if not all, of your samples should have been published or aired within the last two years.

If your samples are not in English, please include an English summary of their contents

Work samples can be uploaded with the online application. Files with the following extensions are accepted: .pdf, .txt, .rtf, .doc, .mp3. For photos or other artwork, .jpg/.jpeg, .gif, or .pdf files are accepted.

DVDs, audio/video files, or samples that exist only on paper and that cannot be converted to digital form can be sent to the address below. Please note that samples cannot be returned.

World Press Institute
3415 University Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55114 USA

1. Print Journalists

Writers: Submit three (3) samples of published work that has your byline.
Editors: Submit a statement describing your job. You may include copies of published work along with a description of your role in these samples. For published work, follow the instructions above.
Photographers: Submit a portfolio with five (5) published samples. Files with the following extensions are accepted: jpg/jpeg, gif, or pdf.
Do not send complete newspapers, magazines, books, or unpublished manuscripts.
2. Broadcast Journalists

Submit a DVD or CD with no more than 30 minutes of work. Include a written synopsis of each work with a brief description of your involvement. Links to work samples on YouTube, publicly shared Dropbox files and broadcasters’ websites also are accepted.
3. Online Journalists

Submit samples equivalent to three (3) print articles or 30 minutes of programming. You can submit your work by providing a link if the segment is still online. Also include what your involvement was with each sample.
Your samples must be journalistic in nature and demonstrate that your job involves news gathering, writing, editing, or producing.

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