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WPI Fellowships for Journalists-How to Apply

Funds for NGOs
Last date 15 Feb 2016

Activities: Others

How to Apply
Thank you for your interest in a WPI Fellowship. The application period for the 2016 program opened on December 1, 2015 and will close on February 15, 2016. Please read the information below. The link to the actual application can be found at the bottom of this page.

Selection is a competitive process. Each year hundreds of journalists apply to the program. Fellows are picked by the WPI selection committee, composed of journalists and corporate communications specialists, all with international experience. Finalists for the fellowship will announced by email.

During this online application process, you will be asked to provide the following:

Applicant information
Employment history and education
Two essays are required as part of the online application. They are:
Please describe your professional goals and achievements (in 200-500 words)
Why are you seeking a WPI Fellowship? What do you expect to gain? What do you expect to contribute? (200-500 words)
Color photo of yourself
Work samples
Awards, fellowships,
Three letters of recommendation
Before applying, please review the eligibility requirements, terms of the fellowship, and the guidelines for work samples and recommendations.

Finalists for the fellowship will announced in early May. Please note that due to the number of applications received, we cannot respond to individual requests as to status. You will receive an email from WPI sometime in May telling you whether you have received a fellowship or not.

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