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P3 Impact Award

Funds for NGOs Last date 3 April 2017

Activities: Others

P3 Impact Award: Recognizing Collaborative Excellence
The P3 Impact Award was created by Concordia, the University of Virginia Darden School Institute for Business in Society, and the U.S. Department of State Secretary's Office of Global Partnerships to recognize and honor best practices of public-private partnerships (P3s) that are improving communities and the world in the most impactful ways. The award seeks to highlight leading practices and actionable insights in the P3 arena. For this award, a P3 refers to any cross-sector collaboration that features public, private, nonprofit, or non-governmental organizations and addresses societal problems.

A partnership between TechnoServe, Coca-Cola and the Gates Foundation, Project Nurture developed an innovative solution to challenges in East Africa’s fruit market. By promoting improved farming practices and linking farmers to better markets, the project sought to help small-scale mango and passion fruit farmers double their fruit incomes.


Applications for the 2017 P3 Impact Award now being accepted!

Cross-sector partnerships between the following entities are eligible to apply for the award:

Public entity and private entity
Public entity and nonprofit entity
Private entity and nonprofit entity
Public entity, private entity, and nonprofit entity
Any partner can submit the application or a third party can nominate a partnership for the award. However, a representative of each partner entity must sign the application form.

Award Criteria
Projects will be assessed on the following criteria. Please note that the project should demonstrate some, but not necessarily all of the following characteristics:

Strength of the cross-sector partnership
Measurable results
Economic and/or social benefits
Improved service delivery
Innovative features
Financial effectiveness
The P3 Impact Award team will appoint an independent panel of P3 experts to review and assess applications based on the award criteria. Finalists will be contacted and asked to provide additional information and participate in brief interviews, if necessary.

Application Requirements
Completed Application Form by 3 April, 2017, which includes:

Partnership and Project Summary to provide the key elements of the partnership
Detailed questions regarding award criteria
Supporting Documentation
If necessary, additional information may be requested.

Presentation of Award
The 2017 P3 Impact Award will be presented at the 2017 Concordia Annual Summit in New York City. Winners will receive:

Tickets to attend the Concordia Annual Summit in New York City
Opportunity to present the partnership on the main stage at the Concordia Summit
Scholarship for one member of each partner entity to attend a week-long Executive Education course at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business
Recognition of partnership’s excellence in publicity and other media coverage
The winning project may be selected to be published as a case study.

For questions or additional information, contact

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