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Right Sharing World Resources Grants

Funds for NGOs
Apply by 31 Dec 2017

Activities: Others

Introductory Letter:Greetings from Right Sharing of World Resources.  Thank you for your interest in RSWR.  Please carefully review the accompanying guidelines and supplement and follow them closely in preparing your application.   It is very important that we receive a copy of your most recent audited annual report if you normally have an annual audit done (applies mostly to NGOs in India).  If you do not have an audit done, please send your last year’s balance sheet and income and expense statement.  Please DO NOT send a copy of your organizational by-laws.

The following points give you a clearer idea of the types of projects we fund:

    RSWR funds income generating projects: Proposals must outline the economics (expenses and income) of an income generating project, especially the net income the beneficiaries can expect. Details of how beneficiaries will repay their loan of seed money must be provided;

RSWR is particularly interested in funding new, small, grassroots organizations, especially those which are women-led;

  RSWR focuses its funding in south India (Tamil Nadu and the districts of Chittoor, Cuddapah, Anantapur,and Nellore in Andhra Pradesh in India), Sierra Leone, and members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Kenya;

RSWR’s grant making work focuses on the cultural, social and economic empowerment of impoverished persons through the implementation of microenterprise, self-employment projects.

Please note that there are two deadlines for receiving proposals, June 30 (for funding decisions in October) and December 31 (for decisions in April). However, it is strongly recommended that proposals be received by April 30 or October 31.  This allows time for proposal revisions, if there are any needed.

For a more equitable world,

Sarah Northrop, Program Director

What is Right Sharing of World Resources?

RSWR is a Quaker organization supported primarily by the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in the United States.  RSWR has two main goals: 1) Provide grants for women in the developing world to begin small income-generating businesses so that they may help themselves and their families out of poverty.  2) Help Quakers in the United States learn about the negative effects of poverty in the developing world and the negative effects of materialism in North America.


Why does RSWR provide seed grants in the developing world?

As our mission states, we believe that God calls us to this work of equity.  We believe that providing seed grants to organizations to implement an income generating project offers a means of establishing self sufficiency to very poor people.  We strive to help newer, smaller organization whose budgets may not allow them to receive grants from other sources.


Why do we call our grant recipients “Project Partners”?

Burdens of materialism and poverty affect all peoples, in the developing and developed world.  The projects RSWR supports in the developing world are awareness building as they assist participants in building their level of awareness of the impacts of this burden and in providing alternatives for change.  Likewise, RSWR strives to provide awareness building and alternatives for lifestyle changes for Quakers in the United States as we seek God’s leading in our lives.  RSWR believes that we have much to omega replica learn from one another as we work together in partnership.


Who may apply?

RSWR supports new, small grassroots organizations who are working to empower women through income-generating projects.  NGOs must be less than 20 years old and have annual budgets of less than $16,500.


Where does RSWR provide grants?

Because of staff and fiscal limitations, RSWR focuses its funding in south India (Tamil Nadu and the districts of Chittoor, Cuddapah, Anantapur, and Nellore in Andhra Pradesh), Sierra Leone and members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Kenya.


What size grants does RSWR provide?

Up to $US 5,500 per year, for a maximum of five years.  Projects are funded one year at a time.  Multiple year funding is only considered for past partners who have successfully completed at least one project and who have submitted a project completion report.


How do we apply for RSWR grants?

You must write up a proposal describing your project.  Be sure to follow the guidelines below so that your proposal fits RSWR criteria.  RSWR has two funding cycles.  There is a deadline for each cycle, June 30 and December 31.  We strongly recommend that proposals be received by us at least a month in advance of these deadlines.  If we receive a proposal after the deadline, we cannot consider the proposal until the next funding cycle.  Make your proposal as short as possible but respond to all the items on the enclosed check-list. In addition to your proposal, send your detailed project budget and your organization’s last annual financial report. Please note that we require the most recent annual financial report for your entire organization, not just one section or one project.


What may project grants be used for?

Revolving loan for seed money, start-up supplies and equipment essential for the project, training, salary for persons needed to oversee the project, travel expenses, administrative expenses such as the cost of preparing and mailing reports to RSWR.


What does RSWR look for in a project?

A) A clearly described proposal for an income generating activity which will improve the quality of life for project participants.  An income generating activity proposal must include the following:


1) Number of participants.  An optimal project will serve between 20 and 75 women


2) Anticipated income and expenses of the business or businesses the women will undertake. It is expected that the women will be able to net at least a dollar a day from their businesses.

3) Loan repayment plan for the repayment of the seed money for each participant (including interest charged and monthly repayment amount).  RSWR will not accept projects that charge more than 2% per month in interest.

4) An explanation of how the work can become self-supporting or can find local sources of support after RSWR funding ends.

5) An understanding that the project is compatible with the three principles which guide RSWR:

A) Local Self-Reliance – Businesses should be locally-based. Production should be geared toward local consumption and should serve the local community.

B) Sustainability – Economies should be sustainable in a number of ways including environmental, fiscal, social, political, and cultural.

C) Mutual Support and Accountability -Beneficiaries must be part of a group which offers support and accountability to its members.

6) A brief description of the experience and background of the NGO’s director or project coordinator.

7) The project must be primarily for women and the beneficiaries themselves must be involved in designing the project, choosing the businesses, and setting the repayment terms and interest rate.

8) Budget categories must be outlined clearly and within the following guidelines: at least 60% for seed money, no more than 20% for staff, no more than 15% for training, no more than 5% for travel, no more than 15% for administration.

That may project grants be used for?

Revolving loan for seed money, start-up supplies and equipment essential for the project, training, salary for persons needed to oversee the project, travel expenses, administrative expenses such as the cost of preparing and mailing reports to RSWR.

That are our chances of getting a grant?

Unfortunately, we receive more proposals than we have money to support.  We receive 200-300 proposals per year.  Of these, about 20% are funded each year.

There should we send our proposal?

Proposals can be sent by postal mail to:  Sarah Northrop, Program Director, Right Sharing of World Resources, 101 Quaker Hill Drive, Richmond, Indiana 47374 USA, or by email to:

For more info visit

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