NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Eligibility Criteria Audience Engagement Grant

Activities: Others

Eligibility Criteria forAudience Engagement Grant (cntd. from page-1)
Documentary photographers, photo-based artists, and socially engaged practitioners who use their work to move target audiences beyond the act of looking, to directly participate in activities or processes that lead to change around an issue.
Individuals who establish meaningful partnerships with others committed to realizing change and who bring a complementary set of skills and expertise.
Projects that use photography or photo-based art creatively and innovatively to reach a project’s unique audience.
Projects with goals that are ambitious, yet realistic and achievable.
Download and carefully review Track One Track Two   guidelines here for more detailed information on eligibility and criteria.

The application deadline for BOTH tracks is: Tuesday, July 8, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. EST (Eastern Standard Time). Submit your applications online at:

If you have questions about which track you should apply for, or if your project is eligible, please contact Anna Overstrom-Coleman at: (include the subject line: “Audience Engagement Grant”).

We will hold a webinar information session on Monday, May 19, 2014. Please check our Facebook page in early May for more details on this event.

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