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Women Human Rights Defenders -pg-2 Criteria

Activities: Women/Gender

Criteria for Applying to Women Human Rights Defenders Grant:

Regardless of which category your proposal falls under, grant proposals must meet all four of these criteria:

1.Strategic – the action promotes the advancement of women’s human rights. (Urgent Action Fund grants are intended to enable short-term interventions in the course of long-term strategies for advancing women’s human rights. Urgent Action Fund provides grants to groups who already have a strategy developed or to coalitions of groups responding together to a crisis or new opportunity.)

2.Unanticipated and Time Urgent – the specific event or situation your organization is responding to was unanticipated and action must happen quickly to be effective.

3.Supported – the group has the support of others involved in women’s human rights or related fields, locally or globally.

4.Woman/Trans-led – women/transgender people must be the primary decision-makers in the organization, group, or action.

Urgent Action Fund for Wmen's Human Rights do NOT fund:
◾Development projects
◾Natural disaster relief
◾Humanitarian aid
◾Travel to conferences
◾General support
◾Bridge funding (to fill a funding gap)
◾Previously planned or long-term projects (3 months or greater)
◾Unfortunately, we are not able to provide funding for these important activities.

Things to know about applying to Urgent Action Fund:

◾UAF accept grant applications in any language.
◾UAF will respond to your request within 72 hours; however, proposals in languages other than Arabic, English, Spanish, Russian, or French may require additional time for translation.
◾UAF accept grant requests anytime.
◾Grant requests can be up to $5,000 USD
◾Once a grant has been approved, funds can usually be delivered within a week.
◾To apply for funding in Africa or Latin America and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean, see links below for Urgent Action Fund-Africa and Urgent Action Fund-Latin America.

For all other regions and countries, use the application provided on this site. (For more information on the locations funded by Urgent Action Fund, visit our FAQs.)

◾Any requests based on the continent of Africa should be sent to Urgent Action Fund-Africa.
◾All requests based in Latin America and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean should be submitted to Urgent Action Fund-Latin America.

◾FAU-AL se hará cargo de todas las solicitudes provenientes de América Latina y el Caribe Hispanohablante. Le agradecemos visitar para más información:

- See more at:

Download General Application

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Other Grants:

Grant: The Sasakawa PAN Asia Fund

 Grants: Women’ Human Rights Defenders

The Woodrow Wilson International Fellowships

Grant ABILIS+Foundation

Call for Proposals HIV Grants for Civil Society Organizations

DAPC Grants

Health Care Innovations in Developing Countries

Grants for water projects in Africa






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