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DAPC Grants

Activities: Youth,Others


This Call for Proposals seeks to provide funding support to NGOs in low- and middle-income countries whose projects are aimed at preventing substance use among the youth.

Grant funding under this Call for Proposals shall be provided  to projects that 

•Support the active participation of youth in their communities and are initiated, planned, managed, implemented, monitored and/or evaluated by youth;

•Connect other youth to the activities of the UNODC Youth Initiative (, including on social media;

•Are focused on prevention on substance use. This is assessed on the basis of how well the project activities are in line with the International Standards on Drug Prevention ( and follow the evidence based practices for prevention work targeting youth presented there.

Please note that for example sport and other alternative activities are not regarded as prevention as such, but they can be very successfully used as a settings for prevention activities such as life skills training.

Grants may be awarded either for self-contained activities or for activities which are a component of a larger project.

Furthermore, funds will not normally be given to support travel, meetings, conferences or similar gatherings.

Only novel proposals are considered. In case your organisation has already benefitted from a grant under the DAPC scheme and you would wish to apply for a new grant, you are not able to submit the same proposal again, and you are kindly asked to outline the difference to any previous projects in your application.

Applicants: Only bona fide institutions will be considered (not commercial operations). A copy of the registration of the institution with the relevant Government department should be submitted with the application, to document that the organization works on a not for profit basis.

Applicants should be organizations or institutions working with youth  and can apply on behalf of a local youth group. Applicants should have relevant prior experience on substance use prevention, health promotion, youth empowerment or other related field. Furthermore, applicants should have the needed capability to administer the grant.

Size of Awards: Awards will not exceed US$ 10,000 and proposals should normally be for amounts of not less than US$ 5,000. All the applications will be considered even if their budget does not reach the higher limit. Please note that the value for money will be assessed as a part of the rating.

Selection of Projects to be Funded:The final selection will be made by Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section on the basis of the criteria outlined in the  Call for Proposals, as well as an endorsement by the relevant UNODC Field Office and the UNODC Committee on Grants and External Engagement at Headquarters in Vienna.

Criteria and download of Proposal Document  

Other Grants:

Grant: The Sasakawa PAN Asia Fund

 Grants: Women’ Human Rights Defenders

The Woodrow Wilson International Fellowships

Grant ABILIS+Foundation

Call for Proposals HIV Grants for Civil Society Organizations

DAPC Grants

Health Care Innovations in Developing Countries

Grants for water projects in Africa







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