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Inlaks Scholarships Eligibility

Activities: Others


Funds for Indian NGOs

Eligibility:  Scholarships are open to all Indian citizens who are resident in India at the time of application. Candidates are normally expected to hold a good first degree from a recognized university in India. Indian citizens who hold a good undergraduate degree from a recognized university outside India, must have resided continuously and been employed or been studying in India, for at least two years, after their under-graduation. People having a postgraduate degree (e.g. Master’s or PhD) from a university outside India are not eligible; those who have started but not completed a postgraduate degree outside India are also ineligible.

It is essential to have prior admission to the institution and course chosen. The Foundation will not consider candidates without admission or pending admission. The institutions concerned must only be top rank.

Candidates must be below 30 years of age on the first of July in the year of application. Candidates who are already studying or have started their program abroad are not eligible.

The award of other grants, teaching assistantships and support from other sources for the proposed program will be regarded by the Foundation as a positive factor. The Foundation also encourages applications from young people currently employed.

How We Decide:  The Foundation has been awarding scholarships to deserving young Indian since 1976. Few other foundations have, during this period, given as many scholarships in as many and such varied fields.

The key to Inlaks is flexibility. We look for the unusual, we search out a special talent and we spot people with flair. And once we are convinced that we have found it, we will do everything possible to accommodate a worthy candidate.

It is perhaps for this reason that a list of Inlaks alumni reads like a ‘Who’s Who’ of young India.

So what should you be concerned about? 

Your achievements, academic and otherwise. We will need proof that you are an achiever.

Your potential. We pride ourselves on judging potential as much as performance. It isn’t just what you have already achieved; it’s what we can help you achieve in the future.

The suitability of your course, project or program. You must persuade us that the course/ program is right for you and that you are right for it.

Application Procedure

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