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Grand Challenges Canada - Transition to Scale – Eligibility

Funds for NGOs Last date : Rolling base

Activities: Health/Nutrition,Others

Prog Scope:For our Transition-to-Scale program, Grand Challenges Canada seeks Integrated Innovations from our Stars in Global Health, Saving Lives at Birth, Saving Brains, and Global Mental Health programs, as well as invited innovations from approved partners, such as the Every Woman Every Child Innovation Marketplace. Please note that applicants whose innovation has not yet been funded by Grand Challenges Canada are by invitation only at the sole discretion of Grand Challenges Canada. The Transition-to-Scale program seeks innovations that are bold and have the potential to make a substantial impact on a global health problem. We are looking for affordable
approaches that can be used effectively to improve health in communities in LMICs with no or limited healthcare infrastructure (e.g., lack of electricity or clean water, etc.) and limited pools of trained personnel. We also look for approaches that reflect an understanding of the target user market, address the needs of the user(s), and can be easily assimilated into cultural practices. 
1. The applicant must be a non-profit organization, for-profit company, or another recognized institution that is incorporated in an eligible jurisdiction, as listed in Appendix A, and is capable of receiving and administering funding. Please note that Grand Challenges Canada must approve any changes in applicant organization from the originally-funded grant.
2. The applicant must (a) be a previous or current grantee of Grand Challenges Canada or (b) be invited by Grand Challenges Canada to apply. Grand Challenges Canada reserves the right to extend invitations to external applicants who align with Grand Challenges Canada priorities, at its sole discretion.
3. Applicants funded by Grand Challenges Canada must have completed their seed grant, have demonstrated proof of concept by presenting sufficient and credible evidence to substantiate that your idea has demonstrated improved health outcome(s) and/or the reduction of significant barrier(s) to health and demand for the solution in a controlled or limited setting and have a plan to transition to scale.
Applicants must propose Transition-to-Scale activities that are continuations of, or build upon, their seed grants.
4. Transition-to-Scale agreements require 1:1 matching through partnerships to be eligible for Grand Challenges Canada funding. Grand Challenges Canada reserves the right to determine the extent to which the 1:1 matching funds from partnerships are deemed acceptable. Matching funds should be ‘new cash’. Where cash is not possible, and where strong “smart partners” are present such
as government or corporate partners, matching through in-kind contributions will  Transition to Scale (Phase II) – Request For Proposals 13 be considered by Grand Challenges Canada on a case by case basis. Grand Challenges Canada will not match other Government of Canada federal funds. Though it is preferred, secured commitment of matched funds may not be required at the proposal stage. 5. A majority of the applicant’s activities and budget must be carried out/spent in an eligible country (or countries) listed in Appendix A. If the nature of the proposal means that a significant amount funding will not be spent in one of these eligible jurisdictions, applicants must provide strong reasoning and convincing arguments that ultimately the proposal will benefit people in those countries. 

For further information on eligibility, deadline etc. you are requested to contact Grand Chalalenges CA and or visit


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