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Grand Challenges Canada - Transition to Scale – RFP-Background

Funds for NGOs Last date: Roling base

Activities: Health/Nutrition,Others

Background:Each year, millions of individuals, families and communities suffer from preventable
death and illness, as a result of critical health challenges. The facts are staggering:
ï‚· In the 72 hours around the time of birth, 150,000 women and 1.6 million children die, and 1.2 million stillbirths occur, each year. Many of these deaths are preventable.
ï‚· 200 million children fail to reach their full developmental potential because of malnutrition, infection, prematurity and lack of nurturing. Again, much of this failure is preventable with appropriate interventions and treatment.
ï‚· Mental health conditions represent about 14% of the total global burden of disease, with a significant portion of this burden in LMICs, where there are very limited options for treatment.
ï‚· In 45 countries around the world, less than half of the population has access to adequate sanitation facilities. Approx. 700,000 children die every year from diarrhea caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation.
ï‚· For a majority of the 800 million girls and women between the ages of 15 and 49 who are menstruating on any given day, there continue to be barriers to accessing high-quality menstrual hygiene management, such as lack of  Transition to Scale (Phase II) – Request For Proposals 5
menstrual or reproductive health education or knowledge, cultural stigma around menstruation and lack of affordable, quality menstrual products.
ï‚· Globally, around 1.0 billion people live with some form of disability. Of this, the World Health Organization estimates that approx. 30 million people in LMICs require prosthetic limbs, braces, or other devices and that only 3% have access to rehabilitation services and assistive devices. Despite these critical challenges, there is reason for hope. The talent in Canada and in LMICs that can be mobilized to tackle these issues is vast. By supporting a wide range of innovators, Grand Challenges Canada aims to play a big role in the development and global health communities. Our goal is to spur economic opportunities and widespread health benefits, fostering local health innovations that are affordable and scalable in locations where they are needed the most.
At the core of our operating philosophy is Integrated Innovation, the coordinated application of scientific / technological, social and business innovation to develop solutions to complex challenges that can achieve sustainable impact at scale. This approach does not discount the singular benefits of each of these types of innovation alone, but rather highlights the powerful synergies that can be realized by aligning all three. For more information, please see: 
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