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Inviting Expression of Interest – Small Innovative Grants

Activities: Others

Last date for receiving proposal: 25th October 2013
Indo Global Social Service Society (IGSSS ) is inviting expression of interest from reputed organizations for Small Innovative Grants. The applicant organization should have substantial experience and track record of carrying out similar assignments in difficult to reach and remote areas / districts of India. Under the Small Innovative grants IGSSS is looking to support innovative models /initiatives on specific focus areas of livelihood that are unique in its own way and can be replicable at an economical cost and must satisfy the specific need it is addressing.
What do we mean by Innovation?
Innovations are to be a dynamic processes which focus on the creation and implementation of new or improved concept and services(method of delivery), processes, and paradigms. It can occur through a series of incremental improvements or can involve a radical transformation. To put it more clear the innovation should involve identification of the problem, to the invention of a solution or idea, the development of the innovation, implementation through pilot testing and sequent scaling up.
Who May Apply
•Any voluntary organization (VO) who is registered under the Societies Registration Act,1860 or a State amendment thereof or the Indian Trust Act, 1882 or the Religious and Charitable Institutions Registration Act, 1920
•VO should have a valid FCRA account and comply with the requirement of Income-Tax Department (PAN, 12A)
•Any Organization which is currently not funded by IGSSS or Misereor
Duration of the Project:
•The project will be supported for a period of 12 months (1st January 2014 to 31st December 2014) 
Experience and expertise required:
•Expertise in the field of rural development and livelihood enhancement in general 
•Demonstrable experience of implementing interventions in farm and off farm livelihood sectors / agriculture and allied sectors with sound understanding of the complexities of the rural livelihood, especially in resource poor and difficult areas
•Demonstrable experience of working with SC, ST and other backward excluded groups 
•Demonstrable experience in implementing innovative models and scaling up.
•Experience of innovative use of technology, information and communication tool to facilitate sharing and dissemination
Minimum and Maximum Limit:The financial support will be approximately 4 lakhs for 12 months. The proposer should consider this aspect while developing the intervention plan.
Late proposals: Any proposal received after the last date will automatically be rejected.
 Other Grants:

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