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Elsa U.Pardee Foundation - Cancer Research Grants

Activities: Health/Nutrition
Elsa U. Pardee Foundation - Cancer Research Grants


The Elsa U. Pardee Foundation funds research to investigators in United States non-profit institutions proposing research directed toward identifying new treatments or cures for cancer. The Foundation particularly encourages grant applications for a one year period which will allow establishment of capabilities of new cancer researchers, or new cancer approaches by established cancer researchers.

It is anticipated that this early stage funding by the Foundation may lead to subsequent and expanded support using government agency funding. Project relevance to cancer detection, treatment, or cure should be clearly identified. Applications requesting more than 25% overhead are usually not considered. Papers verifying nonprofit status and relevant human subject and experimental animal treatment approvals from the recipient institution will be requested prior to project initiation. A final report summarizing financial expenditure and research achievement is required.

  • Citzenship: Unrestricted.
  • Deadline: Continuous. Applications are accepted throughout the year, and can be submitted online through the website.


The official announcement and description of this opportunity may be found on the funding agency's website:

Disciplinary Category:
Medical - Translational; Medical - Basic Science; Medical - Clinical Science.

Applicant Type:
These grants are open to "young or new investigators," according to the foundation. There are no citizenship or residency restrictions.

Award Amount:
The foundation provides one-year grants that generally range from $75,000 to $100,000

 Numerical value: $100,000

For further information contact visit


Funding Agency Contact:
Elsa U. Pardee Foundation
Lucille Dougherty, Staff Assistant 
P.O. Box 2767
Midland MI 48641-2767
Phone: 989/832-3691

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