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Synergos Senior Fellows Network

Activities: Research & Doc


Senior Fellows Network Criteria and Application

Recruitment for the Synergos Senior Fellows Network occurs annually.

To apply for the Fellowship, candidates should fill out the application available here and send it as attachment by email to along with your CV. The deadline for the application is Tuesday, August 31, 2010.

About the Senior Fellows
The Senior Fellows Network is comprised of distinguished international civil society leaders committed to collaborative efforts that address the underlying causes of poverty and inequity.
 Learn more

Some participants in the 2005 Global Senior Fellows meeting in Cape Town, South Africa.

Candidates advanced to the finalists round will be contacted by the Program staff before October 1, 2010 to schedule an in-person or telephone interviews. Candidates not advanced to this round will be notified electronically by October 1. Please note that each year, Synergos receives applications from many more well qualified candidates than the program is able to select.

The final decision about admission to the program will be announced by December 31, 2010.

Selection Criteria

Individuals applying to the Senior Fellows Network will be selected based on the following criteria:

  • Have a demonstrable commitment to addressing the systemic, root causes of poverty and inequity and present a compelling vision for change in their area of work;
  • Have a record of distinguished accomplishment as a leader addressing issues of poverty, equity and/or social justice; currently be in a full-time, senior leadership position of a non-profit, non-governmental organization that focuses on poverty alleviation, social justice or community development;
  • Have experience or a demonstrable commitment to working in partnership with other non-governmental organizations, government and/or business to solve complex problems related to poverty or inequity;
  • Have a demonstrable commitment to the participation of and accountability to the community they serve, as well as credibility and legitimacy from that community to speak authoritatively about its issues;
  • Be committed to developing and enhancing leadership qualities that successfully create and sustain effective working relationships among key partners and stakeholders across society’s sectors;
  • Demonstrate personal characteristics suitable for network collaboration;
  • Be proficient in written and spoken English.

Fellowship Requirements

Fellows are expected to be active in fellowship activities for three years, while simultaneously performing their ongoing professional responsibilities. After the three years, Fellows are invited to remain part of the Synergos Senior Fellows Network and to continue participating in program activities as they are able.

Given the peer-to-peer nature of the Fellowship, it is essential that the Fellows make the necessary time commitment to participate actively in its activities. We estimate the total commitment of time on the part of a Fellow to be 14 days a year in the first three years. The Fellows are expected to:

  • Contribute to the body of knowledge being developed by Synergos to address poverty and increase equity.
  • Attend at least two annual global meetings, which usually entail international travel, as well as make a meaningful contribution to relevant regional or thematic affinity groups.
  • Be available for at least one peer counseling assignment.
  • Participate in our online community and use it to share skills, knowledge and experience.
  • Make at least one significant contribution to the advancement of the work of other Fellows through an article, speech, presentation or other forms of knowledge sharing.

For More Information

Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions.

You may also contact:
Senior Fellows Program Manager
Tel +1 (212) 447-8111
Fax +1 (212) 447-8119



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