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Documentation of Selected Good Practices - Livelihood Improvement of People with Disabilities

Activities: Livelihood,Physically & Mentally Challenged

Request for Proposal: Documentation of Selected Good Practices in the Area of Livelihood Improvement of People with Disabilities (PwDs) 

UNDP/ National & State Level Support to Livelihood Promotion Strategies [National Component] – Planning Commission 
 Last Date: September 23, 2010

This assignment focuses on strengthening livelihood and employment opportunities for People with Disabilities (PWDs) in India. 

There is great uncertainty and debate about the prevalence rates of disability in India. For the first time Census of India enumerated Persons with Disabilities under separate category. However, due to lack of understanding on the part of enumerator as well as complexities in defining disability, the existing figure has come under great controversy. While the Census figure quotes 2.19%, other independent surveys by NGOs, International Bodies and Disabled Activists quote 6%, WHO believes as 10% of the population suffers from some or other kind of disability. The wide range in prevalence figures reflects the variation in the definitions of disability. 

Disabled people living in poverty have always suffered from double disadvantage and are also at higher risk of becoming even poorer. The same is true for all people living in poverty, who have a higher risk of facing a disabling condition due to their limited access to basic services such as health, education, and sanitation and higher rates of exposure to hazardous working conditions.

Women with disabilities suffer a double discrimination, both on the grounds of gender and of impairment. The consequences of deficiencies and disablement are particularly serious for women. Women are subjected to social, cultural and economic disadvantages which impede their access to, for example, health care, education, vocational training and employment. If, in addition, they are physically or mentally disabled, their chances of overcoming their disablement are diminished, which makes it all the more difficult for them to take part in community life.

With the passing of The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995, though the government has reserved 3 percent of the jobs in the formal sector as well as in various poverty alleviation programmes, the countrywide statistics prove the inadequacies of the State Governments to implement the provisions. Thus even the percentage reserved in the poverty alleviation scheme is not exhausted, although hundreds and thousands of PwDs are still anxiously on the lookout for most rudimentary livelihood support for themselves.

In this context it is important to document the status, innovations and experiences of various governments and non government institutions for better programme design, implementation and policy influence. Success stories and case studies of PwDs in the area of livelihood improvement will also influence policy makers, state government and also the financial institutions for extending credit to PwDs for microenterprise development. The proposed study will be conducted by an expert agency with substantial experience on similar assignments in India. Additionally, the UN Solution Exchange will be playing an active role through its Work and Employment Community in supplementing and validating the knowledge generated in the course of the study. The findings of the study and its recommendations made will support the national and state governments in its progress towards social inclusion and poverty reduction. The report will also feed into the XIIth FYP on measures for inclusion and livelihood improvement of People with Disabilities.

For further details about the Proposal see the following link:

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