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Grants Management

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GFII IPA Application Instructions

III. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTSThe application process will proceed in two stages. In the first stage, Expressions of Interest will be accepted during a fixed window that closes on August 23, 2013. IPA will review submissions and request selected applicants to submit full research proposals.In the ...


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GFII and CIti IPA Criteria

II. CRITERIA FOR ELIGIBILITYEach application must be presented by a team consisting of (i) one or more researchers involved in the design of the intervention and responsible for carrying out a rigorous evaluation of the program and (ii) one or more practitioner institutions from the financial sector...

~ ngoportal

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GFII CitiIPA Research Funds

  I. RESEARCH FUNDS GFII manages two research funds to address these evidence and innovation gaps: the Yale Savings and Payments Research Fund supported by theBill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Citi IPA Financial Capability Research Fund supported by the Citi Foundation.`...

~ ngoportal 08/0813

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The GEF GEF UNDP/SGP in India is implemented country wide as a Full Scale Project (FSP). The project document is attached for reference and as learning for perspective partners for the type of issues it prioritizes. The proposals for accessing the grants needs to be submitted by Nongovernmental orga...

~ ngoportal 4/7/2013 Funds for NGOs

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GEF Small Grants Criteria and Extent of Financial Support

The proposals are invited from Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) who are registered for more than three years and have three years’ audited accounts. The duration of each proposal may vary from 18 to 30 months. SGP will consider grants ...

~ ngoportal 4/7/2013 Funds for NGOs

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