As per Wikipedia Family planning is the planning of when to have children, and the use of birth control and other techniques to implement such plans. Other techniques commonly used include sexuality education,prevention and management of sexually transmitted infections,[3] pre-conception counseling ...
ngoportal 26/5/2013
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Very often we hear about capacity building in an organisation, institutes, factories and many other work places. Now a days we see every organisation gives priority to capacity building. What is capacity building, and why is it necessary and for whom this is necessary. We als...
ngoportal 26/5/2013
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As we all know there are a number of infectious diseases. To understand what the infectious disease, as per Wikipedia Infectious diseases, also known as transmissible diseases or communicable diseases, comprise clinically evident illness (i.e., characteristic medical signs and/or symptoms of d...
ngo portal 26/5/2013
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Eligibility:To qualify for a grant, applicant organizations must:* Be led by young people aged 15-32, and the projects must and be based incities or towns in India.* A majority (>50%) of the management team should be within the above age limits.* Applicant organizations must be leg...
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2013 World Of Children Award Guidelines Nominees must have full knowledge that they are being nominated. We strongly recommend that the person you are nominating and the related organization assist you in completing the nomination form. Nominees must be available to participate in the Annu...
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