Unless one is fully familiar with the terms, we often wonder what the terms refers to. Once such term is CTC (Cost to Company)When a Company/organization calculate the total expenditure they incur for a staff member for a particular year/period they take into consideration not just the salary ...
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Job Description: Each position should have written job descriptions. These JDs needs to be reviewed from time to time. This is needed because at the time of recruitment you may have prepared the JDs as per your project requirement. While implementing the project&n...
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Induction Package: Now-a-days many organisations prepare an Induction package which will give the details of the organisation, staff, project related information. This is given to newly recruited staff members. Given below some of the information what an induction packa...
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Organisation Profile: All the NGOs should have a brief information about their organization, its mission, goals, aims and objectives etc. In the HR Policy/Guidelines this information is very useful to have as for newly recruited staff, when they get this document alongwith their con...
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H.R. (Human Resources) Policy: To start and run any organization manpower is required. This policy is a guideline which will help you and others in the organization to know the terms and conditions of the employment, staff benefits, staff contracts, working conditions, staff develo...
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