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Funds for Indian NGOs and Funds for NGOs

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Call for Research Proposals under the NSTMIS Programme -DST

Government of India Department of Science & Technology (National Science & Technology Management Information System Division) Call for Research Proposals under the NSTMIS Programme  Introduction: The National Science & Technology Management Information System (NSTMIS) division of th...

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Financial Assistance and Support Services to Victims of Rape - Scheme for Restorative Justice

1. Introduction The right to life, which includes the right to live with dignity, is guaranteed to every person under the Constitution of India. The inherent dignity of the human being and the right of protection from any form of violence against women also forms part of India’s international ...

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Revised Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) - WCD - GoI

1. ‘Child Protection’ is about protecting children from or against any perceived or real danger or risk to their life, their personhood and childhood. It is about reducing their vulnerability to any kind of harm and ensuring that no child falls out of the social safety net and that those...

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Revised Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) - Objectives - WCD - GoI

1. OBJECTIVES i) To institutionalize essential services and strengthen structures for emergency outreach, institutional care, family and community based care, counselling and support services at the national, regional, state and district levels; ii) To enhance capacities at all levels, of all functi...

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Call for Proposals on Combating Worst Forms of Child Labour (WFCL) in India

Terre des Hommes Netherlands calls for proposals on Comatin Wordst forms of Child LabourDeadline for submission of full application: 25 September 2015 (1700 ICT)Introduction:Terre des Hommes Netherlands is a development organization dedicated to children; it is named after a book by the famous Frenc...

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TdH Calls for Proposals pg-2

continued from Previous Pae... Expected Outcomes:This Call for Proposals aims to protect children from the worst forms of child labour in Asia.It specifically aims to address the following outcomes:1.1 Children at risk of child labour and children exploited through labour claim their rights1.2 ...

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TdH Calls for Proposals pg-3

3.3  RequirementsCoherent programmatic approachTerre des Hommes Netherlands will fund programmes on worst forms of child labour based on the theory of change with related outputs (Annex 2). Applicants and co-applicants should demonstrate a successful track record in addressing child labour.Inte...

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TdH Calls for Proposals pg-4

DurationThe initial planned duration of a  programme should be 36 months, starting on 1 January 2016.Programme proposals that do not follow the above mentioned requirements and that do not use the prescribed forms are automatically disqualified.3.4  The grantDepending on the programme desi...

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Calls for Proposals from LANSA for Cal Formative and Feasibility Research Studies

LANSA INVITES HIGH QUALITY RESEARCH PROPOSALS BY AUGUST 21, 2015.  Applications that propose new and innovative interventions in any area of agriculture for nutrition and / or to test the feasibility of scaling-up such innovations are invited. LANSA is particularly interested in interventi...

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National Awards for Science, Technology and Communications

The following awards shall be presented every year to an individual or an institution for outstanding contribution in the field of science and technology communication and promoting scientific temper which has created significant impact in the country during the last five years. The awards carry a c...

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National Awards for Science, Technology and Communications - Eliibility

Eligibility :  1. The awards are open to all Indian citizens as well as to institutions registered in India or created by the Central/ State governments/ Union Territories.  2. To be eligible for the awards, it is required that an Indian citizen/ non government organization / institut...

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Request for Proposals from HIVAIDS Alliance India

HIV/AIDS Alliance India request for proposals from organisations wishing to reister as sub-recipient for FATM Round 4 Phase II Grant in the State of Bihar Introduction:The India HIV/AIDS Alliance (Alliance India) is a diverse partnership that brings together committed organisations and communit...

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Uttarakhand Gramya Vikas Samiti (UGVS) Request for Proposals for ILSP

Integrated Livelihood Support Project (ILSP)Uttarakhand Gramya Vikas Samiti (UGVS)(Rural Development Department, Uttarakhand Govt.)216, Panditwari, Phase-II, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, Ph.-0135-2773800, Email:- info@ugvs.orgDated 19/07/2015 Request for Proposal (RFP):Integrated Livelihood Support P...

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NASSCOM Foundation Software to NGOs

  NASSCOM Foundation inviting you to be a part of the BigTech Software Donations Program byNASSCOM Foundation. We are giving this opportunity to Not For Profits, Societies,Sanstha and Trusts across India. Currently, we have reached more than 3000 NGOs.BigTech software will reduce your...

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Paul Hamlyn Foundation Grants

 Applications are accepted throughout the year and the details of the grant process, criteria and how to apply are given below: This Fund seeks to meet our strategic aim to enable vulnerable communities living in priority geographical areas to improve their lives.Many communities in India ...

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Paul Hamlyn Foundation Grants - Vulnerable Communities

Vulnerable communitiesAmong vulnerable communities we include the following as a non exclusive, indicative list of special interest groups that we will work with in both rural and urban areas:Ultra poor families in mixed communitiesDalit communities, particularly those involved with inhuman occupati...

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Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Priority Geograhpical Areas

Priority geographical areasWork with vulnerable communities under our Open Grants Fund will be supported only in priority geographical areas.Regional imbalances are significant in India and we are prioritising the less developed areas in the country. We will focus on the areas in the central part of...

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Paul Hamlyn Foundation Grants Criteria

Overarching criteriaThe following important concerns apply to all the work we fund.We will support work which is intended to improve the overall wellbeing of communities, groups and people. The works may be in one or more thematic areas, whether health, education, governance, livelihoods, empowermen...

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Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Eligibility

EligibilityOrganisations supported within the India programme have to be local Indian NGOs with Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) registration.We do not support non-Indian organisations or locally registered branches of non-Indian organisations. We do not support organisations without FCRA ...

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Applications invited for Public Art Grant 2015

THE FOUNDATION FOR INDIAN CONTEMPORARY ART INVITES APPLICANTS FOR THE PUBLIC ART GRANT 2015.Application Deadline: 10 September 2015Poject Brief Need to be sent by 10th August 2015The grant is aimed at supporting art projects located in the public realm in India. Through the grant, FICA aims to gener...

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