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Funds for Indian NGOs and Funds for NGOs

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Small Grants Programme - GEF SGP-UNDP

Small Grants Programme (GEF UNDP/SGP) globally in 122 countries is funded by Global Environment Facility (GEF) as the corporate program of the GEF is executed by the United Nation Development Program (UNDP), on behalf of the GEF partnership. In India the program is hosted through the National Host I...

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Small Grants Biodiversity Conservation

rojects will be supported that address to promote the conservation, management and sustainable use of biodiversity in eco systems (including arid and semi-arid, coastal, marine and freshwater ecosystems, forest and mountain ecosystems etc.) species and genetic resources their sustainable use and equ...

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Small Grants - Climate Change

SGP Thrust – Climate Change: Projects will contribute to removing the cultural, institutional, technical and economic barriers to energy conservation and energy efficiency and to promote the adoption of renewable energy by optimizing implementation costs. Promoting sustainable transport s...

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Smal Grants - International Waters

SGP Thrust: Projects involving communities proximate to threatened waterbodies and transboundary threats to their ecosystems. Priority is placed on the prevention and control of ecological degradation of critical habitats (such as wetlands, shallow waters and reefs), of unsustainable use of marine r...

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Small Grants - Land Degradation

Thrust: These projects involve the intergrated land resource management with an emphasis on issues relating to desertification, loss of soil fertility and enhanced livelihoods.Global environmental problems as defined by the GEF are the loss of biological diversity, climate change and pollution ...

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Small Grants - Persistent Organic Pollutants

The potential eligible activities under this focal area include community initiatives to eliminate the causes of land and marine based sources of pollution, particularly nutrients, chemical wastes & pesticides and industrial waste dumping by promoting reuse, recycling and effective management.re...

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Diversion Based Irrigation - Call for Proposals

 Sir Dorabji Tata Trust and the Allied Trusts seek applications from NGOs, research institutions and universities on the promotion of Diversion Based Irrigation (DBI) in India.A diversion based irrigation system is one which diverts a portion of water from a natural stream/water course/river an...

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Intercultural Innovation Award (IIA)

The 2015 edition of the Intercultural Innovation Award, a partnership between the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the BMW Group is searching for grassroots projects around the world that encourage intercultural dialogue and cooperation around the world using innovative and creat...

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NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR WOMEN - Guideliines for Grant of Financial Assistance

Guidelines for grant of Financial Assistance for the purpose of Research/ Studies, Seminars / Conferences /orkshops, Public Hearings, Legal Awareness Programmes andParivarik Mahila Lok Adalats he National Commission for Women (NCW) undertakes research studies nd Special Studies under Section 10(1) (...

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Australia-India Strategic Research Fund (AISRF)

Australia-India Strategic Research Fund (AISRF) The Australia-India Strategic Research Fund (AISRF) helps Australian researchers from public and private sectors to participate with Indian scientists in leading-edge scientific research projects and workshops. The AISRF is Australia’s ...

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Applying for AISR Fund

Applying for the AISRF Current round: AISRF Round 9 to support collaborative research projects is open for applications from 20 August to 15 October 2015. This is the last day applications can be submitted. To apply, eligible research organisations must submit an online application fo...

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AISRF Guidelines

AISRF guidelinesThe Australia-India Strategic Research Fund (AISRF) programme guidelines provide detailed information about the AISRF, including the application process, eligibility criteria and the assessment process. Competitive grant rounds are held annually and you may only apply while a round i...

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Social Enterprise Education programme

Social Enterprise Education programme (SEEP) is an initiative to build collaborative partnerships facilitating opportunities to students and faculties in India and the UK. The aim is to promote social enterprise ecosystems and create platforms for research and pilot projects within educational insti...

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Social Enterprise Education programme Eligibiity

ELIGIBILITY replica uhrenRecognised universities, business schools and higher education institutions in India and UK are eligible to apply for these partnerships.Government departments, industries, incubators / accelerators, accreditation agencies and other education bodies can come in as secondary ...

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Strategic Research Projects within Human Health Science Biotechnology 2015

Call for joint Indo-Danish proposals for strategic research projects within human health sciencebiotechnology 2015 - A cooperation between the Department of Biotechnology, India andthe Innovation Fund Denmark Background: Department of Biotechnology (DBT), India and the Innovation...

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Strategic Research Projects within Human Health Science Biotechnology 2015 - Objective

Objective:The objective is through the present joint strategic research programme to strengthen and intensify the research effort within the area of human health science biotechnology and to integrate the specific competencies of the Indo-Danish research groups involved. Further, for both ...

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Scheme for Financial Assistance to Cultural Organisations with National Presence

Ministry of Culture invites applications from the Cultural Organizations with National Presence for grant of sanction under the Scheme of ‘Financial Assistance to Cultural Organizations with National Presence’ for the financial year 2015-16. The objective of the Scheme is ...

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Scheme for Financial Assistance to Cultural Organisations with National Presence-2

Mode and Conditions for Release of Grant The grant shall be given based on the appraisal of applications/proposals received under the scheme by the Expert Advisory Committee and thereafter by the administrative authorize in the Ministry of Culture. Grant will be paid in two installments (i...

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Prime Minister's Fellowship Scheme for Doctoral Research

The scheme is for supporting aspiring PhD scholars with double scholarship (up to Rs. 6 lakh per annum), 50% of which will be provided by government and balance 50% by a sponsoring industry, for doing research for four years and the research fellow will receive PhD degree by doing this industrial re...

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Prime Minister's Fellowship Scheme for Doctoral Research Selection Process

Selection Process & Broad Criteria for Selection A high level Apex Council consisting of members from academia, industry and government will review the applications and select the candidates for award of PM Fellowship. The project should be innovative and of high scientific merit; w...

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