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Funds for Indian NGOs and Funds for NGOs

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Public Art Grant - Application Process

APPLICATION PROCESSIf you have an idea for a public art project and want to know how to propose this for the Public Art Grant, write to us with a project brief and your questions. The FICA Team will be there to guide you with the application process and make sure that you have provided all the neces...

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National Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC)

National Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC) Programme The National Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC) is an ongoing programme under the Environment, Awareness and Training (EEAT) Scheme of Environment Education (EE) Division since 1986. Every year the campaign is conducted ...

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Google Grants for NGOs

Google Ad Grants Programme DetailsGoogle Ad Grantees receive free AdWords advertising on Google search result pages. Ad Grantees build and manage their own AdWords accounts similar to paying advertisers, but participate with the following restrictions:A daily budget set to $329 USD, which is equival...

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Google Grants Eligibility Criteria

Is your nonprofit eligible for Google Ad Grants?To be eligible for the Google Ad Grants programme, organisations must:Hold current and valid charity status, as determined by your country; please see your country’s charity status definition below.Acknowledge and agree to the application's requi...

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The Sitaram Rao Livelihoods India Case Study Competition

Overview:The Sitaram Rao Livelihoods India Case Study Competition is an effective mechanism for bringing together the collective intellect of the sector that helps to assimilate innovative solutions, breakthroughs, good experiences and best practices. It helps practitioners to learn from mutual expe...

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The Sitaram Rao Livelihoods India Case Study Competition - Process

Timeline Dates  Deadline for abstract submission  17th August Announcement of shortlisted abstracts  24th August Deadline for final case submissions  12th October Announcement of final selected cases  23rd October Jury Meet  November 1st week&nb...

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The United Nations - The Nippon Foundation of Japan Fellowship Programme

The United Nations - The Nippon Foundation of Japan Fellowship Programme  ~ Human Resources Development and Advancement of the Legal Order of the World's Oceans ~  Fellowship Background and Overview: On 22 April 2004, the United Nations and The Nippon Foundation of Japan con...

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The United Nations - The Nippon Foundation of Japan Fellowship Prog Eligibility

EligibilityYou must be between the ages of 25 and 40.You must have successfully completed a first university degree, and demonstrate a capacity to undertake independent advanced academic research and study.You must be a mid-level administrator from a national government organ of a developing coastal...

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National Programme for Health Care of the Elderly(NPHCE)

Division: Non-Communicable DivisionEmail : skdir-gupta@nic.inFunding Pattern of Scheme: The Centre will bear 75% of the total budget and the State Government will contribute 25% of the budget, for activities up to district level.Brief Description: Keeping in view the recommendations m...

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Vodaphone Mobile for Good Awards

Mobile for Good Awards, a flagship initiative of the Vodafone Foundation in India supports emerging mobile solutions with transformational impact on the society. In 2011, the Vodafone Foundation introduced the ‘Mobile for Good’ (M4G) Awards under the framework of the existing mBillionth ...

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Vodaphone Mobile for Good Awards - Categories

Mobile for Good Awards Categories The Mobile for Good Awards aim to recognise, promote and support mobile innovations for driving social change in India. The Awards programme is back for its fifth consecutive year in 2015.The Mobile for Good Awards 2015 will recognise eleven life changing mobil...

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Vodaphone Mobile for Good Awards - How to Apply

Steps to apply The Mobile for Good Awards 2015 is a two-stage application process, as follows:Stage IThe applicants are required to fill in an online entry formThe entry forms will be evaluated by the screening committee based on the eligibility criteria and pre-defined parameters to shortlist ...

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Early Career Fellowships for Researchers in India - Eligibility-2

Additional Recommendation: This role has been specifically created for the applicant to provide a letter of recommendation in addition to the letter provided by the Fellowship Supervisor; therefore, this individual cannot be your Fellowship supervisor. They would typically be an established res...

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Call for proposals in the field of Embedded Systems 2015 DST and VINNOVA

Strategic Indo-Swedish Cooperative Innovation Programme –Call for proposals in the field ofEmbedded Systems 2015DST (Department of Science and Technology, Government of India)and VINNOVA (The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems) Last date for submitting proposals: 20th Augu...

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Call for proposals in the field of Embedded Systems 2015 pg2

3. Applications: The project disposal period shall be 18 –36months in total. No request for extension of the projects (with or without additional costs) would be possible beyond a total period of 36 months duration of the project. An important application criterion is that the proposed project...

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Announcement 2015 Project- based Personnel Exchange Programme with India - Indo-German Joint Researc

The ’Project-based Personnel Exchange Programme’(PPP) is a bilateral researchpromotion programme which is the result of the Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) concluded in 1998 between the German Academic Exchange Service(DAAD) and the Department of Science and Technology (DST). . Who...

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Call for Proposals - Clean Energy Sub-Systems and Systems DSTDevices

OBJECTIVE OF CALL: The objective of the call is to foster interdisciplinary multi-institutional networked research projects synergising strengths of respective partners to deliver efficient devices/systems meeting global benchmarks. The call envisages close interaction between industr...

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Clean Energy Devices Sub-systems and Systems -Activities supported

SPECTRUM OF ACTIVITIES SUPPORTED:The spectrum of activities include translational research to convert available know how to useful product /process etc as well as applied research aimed at performance enhancement of existing devices and systems. This would also include Development and Engi...

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Request for EOI on Watershed Development and Management

GODREJ PROPERTIES LTD. REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST IN WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT & MANAGEMENT (Only for organisations/ NGOs)I.   INTRODUCTION TO GPL Established in 1990, Godrej Properties Limited (GPL) brings the Godrej Group philosophy of innovation and excellence to the r...

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Early Career Fellowships for Researchers in India

Purpose: This scheme provides a unique opportunity for the most promising postdoctoral researchers to carry out research in India. Applicants are expected to identify an important biomedical research question and design a project that would help answer this question. The proposal would also sug...

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