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Funds for Indian NGOs and Funds for NGOs

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Early Career Fellowships for Researchers in India - Eligibility

EligibilityYou must be in the final year of your PhD studies or have no more than four years of postdoctoral research experience from the date of your PhD viva to the full application submission deadline. Time spent outside the research environment (i.e., career breaks) will be c...

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Call for Proposals under Water Technology Initiative - DST

Department of Science and Technology, Government of India Calls for Proposals under Water Technology Initiative (WTI-2015).   The calls are open from 1st May 2105 to 15th June 2015. 1. Preamble:Water Technology Initiative is a demand oriented user centric initiative which includes developm...

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Water Technology Initiative Scope

continue from  Previous Page.... 3. Scope of call: The call would include following three components: 3.1 Components-WR:  Water Oriented Fundamental & Applied Research to promote (Research stream) high quality, cutting edge breakthrough research innovation a...

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Request Proposals from Artisans - India Foundation for Arts

Project 560, 2015Project 560, 2015, an IFA initiative, is partnered by Citi IndiaRequest for Proposals from ArtistsIndia Foundation for the Arts (IFA) invites proposals from artists who wish to create works in found spaces in Bangalore city, as part of the second edition of Project 560.What is Proje...

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Combating Air Pollution in North India

U.S. MISSION INDIA PUBLIC DIPLOMACY GRANTS PROGRAMFunding Opportunity Title: NDRFP15-05: Combating Air Pollution in North India CFDA Number: 19.040 - Public Diplomacy Programs Contact: Grant Applications Manager, U.S. Embassy, New Delhi Email: ND_GrantApplications@state.gov Appli...

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Empowering India’s Youth to Counter Gender Based Violence - Grants

U.S. MISSION INDIA PUBLIC DIPLOMACY GRANTS PROGRAMFunding Opportunity Title: KRFP16-05: U.S. Consulate General Kolkata: Empowering India’s Youth to Counter Gender Based ViolenceCFDA Number: 19.040 - Public Diplomacy ProgramsContact: Grant Applications Manager, U.S. Consulate, KolkataEmail: Kol...

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Alumni Small Grants Program

U.S. MISSION INDIA PUBLIC DIPLOMACY GRANTS PROGRAMFunding Opportunity Title: NDRFP-15-02 U.S. Embassy New Delhi Alumni Small Grants Program CFDA Number: 19.040 - Public Diplomacy Programs Date Opened: 2/13/2015 Contact: Grant Applications Manager, U.S. Embassy New Delhi Emai...

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Grants: Building the Next Generation of Strategic Thinkers

U.S. MISSION INDIA PUBLIC DIPLOMACY GRANTS PROGRAMFunding Opportunity Title: NDRFP16-03: Building the Next Generation of Strategic Thinkers CFDA Number: 19.040 - Public Diplomacy Programs Contact: Grant Applications Manager, U.S. Embassy, New Delhi Email: ND_GrantApplications@state.go...

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Tuberculosis Health Action Learning Initiative - THALI

The synopsis for this grant opportunity is detailed below, following this paragraph. This synopsis contains all of the updates to this document that have been posted as of 4/1/2015. If updates have been made to the opportunity synopsis, update information is provided below the synopsis.If you would ...

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Environmental Research Grants

 INTRODUCTION:The Ministry of Environment and Forests, is classified as a ‘Scientific Ministry’ under the Government of India. Since its inception in 1985, the Ministry has funded research by diverse research institutions in several disciplines concerned with environmental...

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Pollution Control Projects - Government of India

Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs)ObjectivesThe Ministry has undertaken a Centrally Sponsored Scheme for enabling the small scale industries (SSI) to set-up Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETP) in the country. The SSIs are polluting the environment through their effluents but some...

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NATIONAL AFFORESTATION & ECO-DEVELOPMENT BOARDGRANTS-IN-AID FOR GREENING INDIA SCHEME(CENTRAL SECTOR SCHEME) OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES FOR THE TENTH FIVE-YEAR PLAN Increasing forest and tree cover (FTC) of the country to one third of its geographical area, asenvisaged in the National Fore...

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EX-SITU CONSERVATION OF THREATNED PLANTS ENDEMIC TO THE REGIONTHROUGH BOTANICAL GARDENS AND CENTRES OF CONSERVATION 4.1 Introduction:Conservation of plant diversity assumes greater importance when the world is facingunprecedented loss of biological diversity. As per an estimate about 60,000 out...

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Environmental Education

ENVIRONMENT EDUCATIONMinistry is promoting Environment Education and creation of awareness among all groups ofthe country’s population through following scheme: (i) Environment Education Awareness and Training (ii) Centres of Excellence Four types of programmes are existing unde...

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Environmental Education - Eligibility

Who are eligible? i. Seminars / symposia / workshops / conferences Any recognized academic / research institution or Government Department / Governmentundertaking having at least 3 years experience of working in environment related subjects.  Any registered voluntary / professional organ...

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Call for Applications Human Development Fellowships

The International Centre for Human Development (IC4HD) is pleased to announce a call for applications for its annual Human Development Fellowships .These Fellowships encourage mid-career and young professionals (academics, researchers, civil servants, and development practitioners) to analyze d...

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Call for Applications Dialogues on Democracy between American and Indian Youth

Grants NoticeFunding Opportunity Number: CRFP15-04Funding Opportunity Title: Dialogues on Democracy between American and Indian YouthOpportunity Category: DiscretionaryFunding Instrument Type: Cooperative AgreementCategory of Funding Activity: EducationCategory Explanation: Expected Number of Awards...

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RFP - Endline Survey Strengthen Community Institutions

  Request for Proposal Project Title: Endline survey of programme titled Pehchan: “Strengthen community institutions and systems for MSM, Hijra and transgender communities to increase reach and quality of services” Dates, Duration, Days & Hours: April 2015- July 2...

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EOI from NGOs: Strengthening Nonprofits Growth through Inclusive Partnership

EOI For Non-Governmental OrganizationsStrengthening Nonprofits Growth through Inclusive Partnership in National Capital Region of Delhi: Expression of Interest from NGOs Last date: 15 April 2015  About CAF India:Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) India is a member of the UK-based CAF Glob...

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RFP Development of tools and institutional mechanisms for NTFP management

Request for Proposal (RFP)Last date: 20 April 2015 Development of tools and institutional mechanisms for NTFP management and alternate livelihoods in Hoshangabad Forest Circle, MP Location: New Delhi, IndiaSubmission Date: 20th April, 2015 Program Background:The Partnership for Land U...

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