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Funds for Indian NGOs and Funds for NGOs

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Funds for NGOs - Small Scale Projects in the Field of Development Co-operation Pg-2.. Guidelines

Funds for NGOs.. continued from pg-1General Guidelines for Application:•The implementing agency must be an experienced, qualified and reliable organisation, preferably a non-governmental organization (NGO) registered under the Societies Registration Act, FCRA, 80G and 12 (1) of Indian Income ta...

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Call for proposals under NNRMS programme

Ministry of Environment and Forest, Govt. of India Calls For Proposals For Financial Support during the Financial Year 2014-15 under National Natural Resources Management SYSTEM (NNRMS) PROGRAMMEThe Ministry of Environment & Forests invites research proposals for financial support in prescribed ...

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Applications Invited for National Prog for Youth and Adolescent Development Scheme

Proposals are invited from State Govts./ All India Level Organisation / State Level NGOs under the Scheme of National Programme for Youth and Adolescent Development 2014-15.Last date: 15/11/2014 1. BACKGROUND:1.1 The scheme titled National Programme for Youth Adolescent Development (NPYAD) has ...

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Innovation Challenge in India

The Internet.org Innovation Challenge in India supports Internet.org’s vision of a connected world by recognizing those who are working to make the internet more relevant to women, students, farmers and migrant workers in India. Our goal with this challenge is to encourage the development of a...

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Innovation Chalalenge - Eligibility Criteria

Innovation Challenge Criteria: How to ApplyYour entry should include: ◾The full legal name, mailing address and phone number of the individual, organization or group submitting the app, website or service. If you're submitting as an organization or group, also include the name, email and ...

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EoI-Research and Capacity Development Initiative on the Role of Private Sector in Skills Development

Participation in the Research and Capacity Development Initiative on the Role of Private Sector in Skills Development uilding on the need for more effective skills generation for sustainable development, the UNDP Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development (IICPSD) and the Union ...

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Call for Proposals-Study on NRLM Processes – Efficiency and Effectiveness

The objective of the study is to identify, map and assess various programme/business processes adopted by different State Missions in building, nurturing, and capitalising community institutions for informing strategic changes nd course corrections under NRLM.Methodology:Understanding and revie...

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How To Apply & Who Can Apply - CEEs GEF UNDP SGP Small Grants

 Who can submit a proposal ?  Organizations which can submit proposals include          1.Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs)          2.Community Based Organizations (CBOs) Organizations should demonstrate t...

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CEEs GEF UNDP SGP Small Grants

Please go through the following to apply for GEF UNDP/SGP Small Grants.  If you need to contact them they have region branches and accordingly you can contact the office of your region. The GEF GEF UNDP/SGP in India is implemented country wide as a Full Scale Project (FSP). The projec...

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CAF Grants

Grantmaking: Grantmaking at CAF India personifies our mission of promoting effective giving. CAF work towards aligning every charitable giving to investment principles and business practices and offer authentic and sustainable solutions to challenges facing the Indian society today. While perfo...

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Fellowship Program - Azim Premji Foundation

Last date: 15th September 2014 Azim Premji Foundation is a not-for profit organisation that has been working for more than a decade now towards making deep, large scale and institutionalised impact on the quality and equity of education in India, along with related development areas. Any large ...

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Apply for INDIACSR - Community Initiative Awards 2014

 Applications are invited for Community Initiative Awards 2014.  The last date to submit Expression of Interest/Caste Study Abstract is 15th September 2014.  Submission deadine for case study with Annexure-A - 15th October 2014.  First round resut announcement 1st November 2014.&...

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Sir Dorabji Tata Trust - Concept Note Information

The details required in the concept note are : Apply for -The Sasakawa PAN Asia Fund  A. Organisation information  1.      Name of organisation: 2.      Registered address:3.      Registration no.: 4.      ...

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Sir Dorabji Tata Trust - Grants

If you meet the criteria you can Apply for a Grant to Sir Dorabjee Tata Trust and after scrutiny if you are shortlisted, the Trust will get in touch with you for further information if needed.For New Grant Applicants: If your organisation works in one or more of the thematic areas supported by ...

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eNorthEast Award 2014

 eNorthEast Award 2014 announced and the last date to receive nominations extended to 31st August 2014 About 5th eNorthEast Award 2014: The 5the-North East Award seeks to identify, recognise and felicitate best digital innovations and practices in Information Communication Technology ...

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Call for Applications - Vijay Amritraj Foundation (VAF)

The Vijay Amritraj Foundation invites applications and the last dated is 30th August 2014 The Vijay Amritraj Foundation is based on the principles established by Mr. Amritraj, that In Giving We Receive. The Vijay Amritraj Foundation brings hope, help and healing to the defenseless and innocent ...

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Vijay Amritraj Foundation - How to Apply....pg2

How to ApplyLetters of InquiryPlease note: Please review our grants guidelines in detail prior to submitting a letter of inquiry.As noted earlier, unsolicited requests must be made through letters of inquiry. The letter should describe the purpose and objectives of the project, general methodology a...

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VAF - Letter of Inquiry - pg3

Letter of Inquiry - Cover SheetIn order to expedite a letter of inquiry it is important that it include a cover sheet with the following information:•Information regarding who will carry out the work •Name of your organization (and acronym if commonly used) •Name of parent organizatio...

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Request for Proposals to Document Supply and value chains of major medicinal plants

UNDP request you to submit your Proposal to “Document Supply and value chains of major medicinal plants in select mandis and identify gaps & priorities for action by National Medicinal Plants Board of IndiaRef:RFP/UNDP/Inda/2014/035Last Date: 25/08/2014NMPB is one of the responsible partne...

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RFP-UNDP- Mainstreaming Sustainable Jhum Practices in Nagaland

REFERENCE: RFP/UNDP/INDIA/2014/033UNDP  request you to submit your Proposal for Developing strategies for mainstreaming sustainable jhum practices into existing legal and policy frameworks of relevant state policies of Nagaland.Your proposal comprising of Technical Proposal and Financial Propos...

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