NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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CAF Grants

Activities: Others

Grantmaking: Grantmaking at CAF India personifies our mission of promoting effective giving. CAF work towards aligning every charitable giving to investment principles and business practices and offer authentic and sustainable solutions to challenges facing the Indian society today. 

While performing in the area of money and relationships, CAFs commitment to cause neutrality gives us a unique position to spread wide and serve many. It enables us to engage in the holistic development of individuals and communities nationwide, through the broad multi-sectoral spectrum of non-profit organisations. 

CAFs grantmaking practices redefine the relationship between grants and non-profits. CAF practices and priorities are for making non-profits more effective, accountable and sustainable. 

CAFs key strength lies in doing independent and in-depth due diligence of non-profits which enables our donors to make an informed choice about their donations and investments. We have a pool of validated non-profits working across diverse causes in India. CAF decade long, proven track record and expertise has helped us gain and retain the trust of many individual donors, national and transnational companies, foundations and institutions. 

CAF also develop, execute and manage projects with a network of credible non-profit organisations and our portfolio is continuously growing. In doing so we aim at providing continued support to the poorest and marginalised sections of the society.
Due diligence: All the NGO partners working with CAF India go through a due diligence process to ensure compliance with fiscal, legal and regulatory norms currently being followed in India. 

CAF India has developed a set of listing criteria, which are used to determine whether or not an organisation is eligible for validation. This requires an NGO to give details about its board members, governance, financials, detailed review of three years audited financial statements and accounts, organisational structure and a broad programme review.
Income Tax Slabs 2015-16

  • CAF India undertakes a desk review only for groups based outside Delhi or NCR
  • CAF India undertakes due diligence site visits for local NGOs
  • Review is undertaken of governance, organisational and other procedural matters
  • CAF India has till date validated over 1,300 NGOs. CAF India actively supports over 100 NGOs through its various programmes such as the Give As You Earn , Company Accounts and Donor Advised Funds. CAF India also validates new NGOs based on donor requests. 

For more information visit:

Other grants:

Apply for Grants: Sir Dorabji Tata Trust

Training Course for Social Change

Community Initiative Awards - IndiaCSR

UNAIDS Technical Assistance on HIV  Sustainable Financing  Frameworks

Manthan Awards 2014

Small Grants - Abilis Foundation

Sasakawa PAN Asia Fund

Call for Applications: Vijay Amritraj Foundation

For more visit:

See below Financial Management 



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