Institute of Public EnterpriseInstitute of Public Enterprise Osmania University Campus, Hyderabad - 500 007 Andhra Pradesh, India Hyderabad - Andhra PradeshPhone : +91-40-2709 8145, 8937Fax : +91-40-2709 5183, 5478 Categories: Banking & Finance, Accounting, Others The educational pro...
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Gender Training Institute, established with the support of the European Union in 1997, believes that all people are decision makers in their own contexts, effective catalysts of change and consequently potential participants in GTI’s programmes. The trainings are grounded in the existing fabri...
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Finance for Non Finance Executives in NGOs/INGOsOBJECTIVE : Imparting knowledge on finance and its functions for effective financial planning budgetary control measures, financial discipline, internal control and cost effectiveness in NGOs.METHODOLOGY:Participatory workshop with presentations, ...
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The Institute of Health Management Research (IHMR), Bangalore, India undertakes research and consultancy projects in partnership with central and state governments and international organizations. A number of research projects undertaken by the Institute have made important contributions to policy d...
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The Rural Technology Center is a central development program implemented, and managed by the Indian Institute for Rural Development. Developed on the concept of the Open University, the RTC markets its services, course offerings and information to interested and suitable rural populations. Intereste...
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