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Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust Grants to Individuals Last date 31 October 2017

Funds for Individuals

Activities: Forest & Environment,Others

Each year, the Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust awards a number of grants to individuals undertaking nature conservation projects. Projects may involve practical habitat or species management, research, training, education, awareness raising or campaigning. 

9/12/16 UPDATE: We will have a rolling programme of areas of interest for funding, which will change for each round of applications. From 2017 onwards, the Trust will be focusing on a certain area for funding for each round of applications.

For the December 2017 round of Award applications, the Trust will be prioritising applications for work benefitting conservation in one of the areas that we currently work in. This will include South West UK, Vietnam, Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Nigeria and Sulawesi.  For further information on the regions, please visit our conservation pages.

For the 2018 applications, the themes will be:

May 2018: Conservation work in coastal environments

December 2018: Reptile and amphibian conservation

The Trust awards grants to both UK and overseas projects, and they typically range in value from £500 to £1,500. It is unlikely that the Trust would make an award for more than £1,500.

Applications are considered biannually - in May and December - at a meeting of the Awards Committee. We receive many applications and are pleased to be able to support around 10% of applicants. Please note that, following the meeting of the Awards committee, we are only able to contact those applicants who are successful in being awarded funding. 

Please note:

We are unable to process an application if the supporting documentation has not been received.

Applications to participate in expeditions arranged by large organisations will not be considered.

We do not support applications where the total cost of your project exceeds £15,000.

Retrospective funding (i.e. funding for a project that has already begun) will not be provided for any project.

All applications and supporting documentation must be written in English.

There are four steps to the application process: 
1. Check your eligibility for funding
The Awards are open to all, and each application is judged on its own merits, however there are a number of topics that the Awards Committee are particularly interested in, which are detailed below:

Research into the ecology of rare and threatened species and habitats.

Projects which aim to encourage increased awareness of ecology, conservation and environmental issues in local communities, and to educate people on how to develop and carry out sustainable management practices in those communities.

Research into how human activity affects species and habitats, and how any potential human-animal conflict can be managed.

Projects which aim to design and implement conservation education programmes.
Research into the welfare and breeding success of animals in captivity.

We will have a rolling programme of areas of interest for funding, which will change for each round of applications. Please check the top of this page for information on this.

Some examples of successful applications in the past:

• A forest conservation club in Nigeria
• The development of a monitoring programme for threatened frogs of Andasibe, Madagascar
• Research project evaluating the habitat requirements of Sulawesi crested black macaques in Indonesia
• Community-based conservation of Asian elephants in Rakhine Yoma, Myanmar
• Research into nesting material preference in wild dormice
• Monitoring storm impacts on Slapton Sands, Devon
• An investigation into the impact of street lighting on larval feeding and development in the garden tiger moth in Cornwall
• Makgadikgadi brown hyaena project: tackling the problem of conserving large and rare carnivores living in conflict with humans
• Research into the captive management and conservation of the blue crowned laughing thrush
• An investigation into reptile diversity in Quirimbas National Park, Mozambique
• ‘SPLOSH’ community marine festival: raising awareness of climate change and the marine environment.
For online applications and for further information visit the link below 

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