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Vigil India Movement a national level Human Rights Organisation, Bangalore invites Nominations to the M.A. Thomas National Human Rights Award 2016.

The Award honours individuals/organizations in India who have made significant contributions for the protection and promotion of human rights in India in the preceding years and continues to be working on issues directly relating to human rights. The Award instituted by the Vigil India Movement in 1993, in memory of its Founder President Rev. Dr. M.A. Thomas, carries a cash prize of Rupees One lakh and a citation.

The nominations are placed before a three-member jury comprising of distinguished personalities. The jury selects the winner and the awardee is announced on June 25, the death anniversary of the Rev. Dr. M. A. Thomas. The award is presented on August 10, the birth anniversary of the Rev. Dr. M. A.Thomas.

Nominations are to be submitted on the prescribed form available at the National Office and can also be downloaded.
The letter of nominations should clearly mention why the individual or the organization has been nominated for the award. The nomination should contain the nominee's contribution towards the protection and promotion of human rights in India, highlighting the activities, achievements and its impact on society and / or the state policy. A brief resume of the nominee should also be included. Wherever possible, supporting materials such as newspaper clippings, photographs, etc. may be submitted. 

Nomination form must be sent in a sealed envelope inscribed with the words Nomination for M.A. Thomas National Human Rights Award 2016 to Vigil India Movement, 61, Charles Campbell Road, Cox Town, Bangalore- 560 005, so as to reach us on or before April 30, 2016.
For further details contact or visit

John VM Juliana
Programme Manager

Vigil India Movement,
61, Charles Campbell Road,
Cox Town,
Bangalore- 560 005

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