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Africa Mathematics Project (AMP) of the Simons Foundation Grant-2

Funds for NGOs Last date31 Aug 2016

Activities: Education,Others

Institutional Official Requirements: Each proposal must designate a signing official and financial officer who will be responsible as follows:

 A signing official (SO) has institutional authority to legally bind the institution in grants administration matters. The individual fulfilling this role may have any number of titles in the grantee organization. The SO is responsible for the proper administration of the grant including, but not limited to, overseeing the submission of the grant activation agreement and progress reports. Additionally, the SO is required to certify that all information submitted is accurate, that the terms of the award are acceptable, and that the institution will comply with all applicable laws and Simons Foundation policies. For most institutions, the SO is located in its Office of Sponsored Research or equivalent.
The financial officer (FO) is responsible for the proper accounting of grant funds. The individual fulfilling this role may have any number of titles in the grantee organization, including secretariat. In this role, the individual is required to complete the required annual financial statements, as well as any budgets, and are required to submit any changes to the payment information as needed. Additionally, the FO is required to certify that all information submitted is accurate, that the terms of the award are acceptable, and that the institution will comply with all applicable laws and Simons Foundation policies.

Number of Awards: The foundation anticipates awarding five sites to start no earlier than September 2017. All awards must start by May 1, 2018.

Current AMP awardees that would like to receive additional funding to start May 1, 2018, after the completion of their current award, should submit an application for this request.

How to Apply: Applicants may apply through proposal CENTRAL ( beginning May 2, 2016. The deadline to apply is August 31, 2016, at 11:59:59 PM EST.

Please coordinate submission of the proposal with the appropriate officials in accordance with institution policies. Please refer to the Application Instructions for further information on and requirements for submitting an application.

Application Requirements Include:

Concept Narrative (15-page limit, plus up to two pages for references and figures): The first page should state the overall goals of the project, followed by a succinct and focused statement describing two or three main objectives and a short description of its operation. The remaining pages should be a focused narrative containing the following required elements:

Identification of a single mathematical area that is to be the principal focus of the proposed research and postgraduate training. Explanation of how any proposed research and training in other (related) areas serves the main research and training goals of the project. If more than one research group or mathematical area is listed, care must be taken to fully justify a close relationship with the common focus of the proposed research. The inclusion of researchers, however distinguished, whose work is not directly supportive of and closely related to the central research focus is discouraged.

Detailed research and training plan to be carried out over a five-year period together with its rationale, including the identification of the individual(s) primarily responsible for each aspect of the work.

Program outline and projected timeline for studies of participating graduate students.

Estimated outcomes:

Research deliverables (e.g., approximate number of publications in international journals expected).

Training deliverables (e.g., approximate number of Ph.D. and master’s degrees expected).

A networking plan for contact with other centers or projects on the continent that have compatible mathematical interests and objectives.

A detailed plan for an efficient and transparent system for budget administration, disbursement and reporting.

        Additionally, the following elements are strongly suggested to be incorporated:

  Identification of international research partner(s),
  Project participation in an existing mathematical research network with                        compatible mathematical focus,
A plan for incorporating women mathematicians in the project and/or identifying and nurturing female mathematical talent.

Resources & Research Environment Capacity: Describe the individual, group and institutional capacity for carrying out the proposed research and training. (The group may include several universities in the region.) Specify the facilities to be used for the conduct of the proposed research. Indicate the project sites and describe capacities, pertinent capabilities, relative proximity and extent of availability to the project.

Five-Year Budget: To be entered directly in the application, itemized for each of the allowable expense categories of funding noted above. The maximum cost allowed per year is 90,000 USD and the total maximum cost for five years should not exceed 450,000 USD.

Budget Justification: An explanation of budget categories, which should also indicate additional sources of financial or in-kind support for the project (three-page limit).

Curriculum vitae for the applicant/academic director and all co-investigators to be funded under the project; each CV must include at least Ph.D. year, institution and advisor, and positions held, and should focus on education, positions, activities and publications relevant to the proposed research (three-page limit).

An official signed letter of support from the vice-chancellor of the applicant/academic director’s The letter should include a commitment of in-kind matching support from the institution (e.g., classroom or office space, reliable Internet connectivity, conference hosting and support).

A list of academic institutions and principal collaborators participating in grant activities.

A list of current or pending research support for the applicant/academic director and all co-investigators to be funded under the project.

The Simons Foundation requires an equivalency determination letter from the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) stating exemption under 501(c)(3) and, furthermore, either a 509(a)(1), (2), or (3) classification. If an international institution is selected for funding and does not have the aforementioned documentation, the foundation will require that the institution complete an equivalency determination with NGOsource (see MPS policies) prior to award activation. The foundation will handle all administrative and financial aspects of this determination.

Important Dates:
Application Available     Application Deadline     Notification     Award Start Date
May 2, 2016                 August 31, 2016         July 1, 2017     No earlier than September 1, 2017

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Contact Information:

Elizabeth Roy
Senior Program Manager
Mathematics and the Physical Sciences
Further Information:

For further information visit


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