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Soros Equality Fellowships - Open Society Grants

Funds for NGOs Last date 16 Nov 2016

Activities: Others

The Soros Equality Fellowship supports emerging midcareer professionals who will become long-term innovative leaders impacting the racial justice field. 

The fellowship award includes $80,000 to $100,000 over the course of the fellowship period, accompanied by the requisite skill building, mentorship, and support to ensure a fluid leadership pipeline between early-career promise and later-career expertise.

We seek a diverse cohort of applicants and finalist pool, including activists, artists, journalists, and organizers, to produce projects with meaningful impact. This approach recognizes the power of individuals to use a variety of tools, from traditional advocacy to the arts, to impact change and uplift the mission and values of an open society.

Eligibility Criteria: We are looking to fund projects that align with the U.S Programs’ Equality team’s approach to racial justice. This approach:

  • rejects the 21st century postracial myth, which claims that by acknowledging race and ethnicity, we promote racism and xenophobia; it instead embraces the value of acknowledging the discriminatory impact that certain seemingly race-neutral policies can have on immigrants and communities of color;
  • believes that documenting this disparate impact and the ongoing role of discrimination provides a platform for others to question the legitimacy of structures that limit access to democracy, justice, education, and the economy;
  • recognizes the enduring power of language, image, media, the arts, and public opinion to combat or perpetuate discrimination against immigrants and people of color in the United States and across the globe; and
  • prioritizes the dismantling of structures that perpetuate discrimination and limit access over the targeting of individual actors who engage in discrimination.
All projects must, at a minimum, relate to one or more of the following U.S. racial justice goals:

building the capacity of the racial justice field to combat structural racism and xenophobia
creating sustainable organizations capable of empowering the communities they serve
changing the racial narrative to one that removes the distortions of racism and xenophobia as a barrier to equal opportunity

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