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Soros Equality Fellowships - Open Society Grants - Guidelines

Funds for NGOs Last date 16 Nov 2016

Activities: Others

Ineligibility Criteria
The program does NOT fund the following:

enrollment for degree or nondegree study at academic institutions, including dissertation research
projects that address racial justice issues outside the United States (applicants themselves, however, can be based outside the United States, as long as their work directly relates to a U.S. issue)
lobbying activities
Guidelines: Those interested in the fellowship should first download and review the complete fellowship guidelines. Before submitting a full proposal, all interested applicants must submit a CV or resume and a one-to-two-page, single-spaced letter of inquiry, which outlines the topic of the project, proposed work product, and relevance to the fellowship guidelines. 

Letters of inquiry are due by November 16, 2016 (11:59 p.m. EST), and may be submitted online. Within two weeks of the November 16 deadline, we will invite approved applicants to submit full proposals.

We will not consider any uninvited applications for the fellowship. Invited full proposals are due by December 19, 2016 (11:59 p.m. EST), and must be submitted online (the online system will begin accepting applications on November 28, 2016).

Applicants who are uncertain about the parameters of the fellowships guidelines may submit a brief email inquiry to: Please do not submit an email inquiry before reviewing the appropriate documents.

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