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Chateaubriand Fellowships Eligibility

Funds for NGOs
Last date 16 Jan 2016

Activities: Others


Candidates must be currently working on their Ph.D.

Candidates do not have to be U.S. citizens, but they must be enrolled in an American university. However, French citizens are not eligible to apply.

Candidates must obtain a letter of recommendation from their advisor(s) in the U.S., as well as a letter of invitation from a professor affiliated with a French university or research institution. Please be in touch with your supervisor in France as early as possible. The history of the research relationship will be taken into account in the review process.

There are three types of fellowships:

Fall Fellowship: 4 months, starts October 1st.
Spring Fellowship: 4 months, starts February 1st.
Year-long Fellowship: 8 months, starts October 1st.

Applicants' preference will be taken into account but not necessarily accommodated.


HSS Chateaubriand fellows receive:

A monthly stipend of 1500 €
Health insurance for the entire duration of the fellowship
a round-trip ticket to France with welcome package

Each application receives two evaluations: one from a French scholar, the other from an American scholar.

The candidates' applications and their scholars' recommendations are then reviewed by a final selection committee.

The criteria taken into account include:

Academic Relevance of the Research Project
Beneficial Effects of a Research Trip to France
Student's command of the subject
Contribution of the Project to the Global France/US Academic Exchange Context

October 16th 2015 : Opening of the 2016 Chateaubriand Call for applications
January 20th, 2016: Deadline for application
February to April 2016 : Bilateral selection process
May 1st 2016 : Communication of results via email.

In order to access and complete the electronic application, please follow the steps below.

Create an account
Read the guidelines 
Sign in with the user name and password sent to you via email.
Complete the application and upload the necessary attachments (Note that you can save your application as you go and return to complete it at a later time).
Submit your completed application. You will not be able to change your data after final submission.
Make sure that you receive an email confirming that your application has been saved.

Candidates must be currently working on their Ph.D.

Candidates do not have to be U.S. citizens, but they must be enrolled in an American university. However, French citizens are not eligible to apply.

Candidates must obtain a letter of recommendation from their advisor(s) in the U.S., as well as a letter of invitation from a professor affiliated with a French university or research institution. Please be in touch with your supervisor in France as early as possible. The history of the research relationship will be taken into account in the review process.

There are three types of fellowships:

· Fall Fellowship: 4 months, starts October 1st.

· Spring Fellowship: 4 months, starts February 1st.

· Year-long Fellowship: 8 months, starts October 1st.

Applicants' preference will be taken into account but not necessarily accommodated.

All application materials are due on December 16th for the following fellowship year.

HSS Chateaubriand fellows receive:

A monthly stipend of 1500 €
Health insurance for the entire duration of the fellowship
a round-trip ticket to France with welcome package
Each application receives two evaluations: one from a French scholar, the other from an American scholar.

The candidates' applications and their scholars' recommendations are then reviewed by a final selection committee.

The criteria taken into account include:

  • Academic Relevance of the Research Project
  • Beneficial Effects of a Research Trip to France
  • Student's command of the subject
  • Contribution of the Project to the Global France/US Academic Exchange Context
  • Normal 0 21 false false false FR X-NONE X-NONE 

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