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Funds for NGOs and Funds for Indian NGOs

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Applications Invited for ICATCH Grants

Applications are invited for ICATCH GRANTS: ICATCH grants provide both financial and technical support to grant recipients who are developing and implementing a program or project that improves child health in their community. Priority is given to applicants fromlow-income and low-middle-income...

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Japan Fund for Global Environment (JFGE) - 2017

Japan Fund for Global Environment (JFGE) provides grant to Non Governmental Organization (NGO)/Non Profit Organization (NPO) engaged in environmental activities.If you consider applying for our grant program, please kindly follow the guidance page below carefully  Download 2017_Guide_to_th...

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Google Digital News Journalist Fellowships

The Reuters Institute is seeking applications for Google Digital News Journalist Fellowships as part of its world renowned Journalist Fellowship Programme based at the Reuters Institute in Oxford. There are two fellowships available for two terms (6 months) starting in either October 2017 or Januar...

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Journalism Fellowship Programme

Journalism Fellowship Programme: Develop your academic understanding of the media industry, improve your knowledge and focus on an in-depth piece of research away from the pressure of tight deadlines.The media industry is undergoing profound change, and evolving practice means agile thinking and a d...

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THOMSON REUTERS FOUNDATION FELLOWSHIP: The Thomson Reuters Foundation Fellowship, founded in 1983, offers an opportunity for experienced journalists wishing to undertake research projects on a variety of subjects. Approximately 6 Thomson Reuters Fellows study each year on fully-funded Fellowshi...

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First Mile Innovation Challenge

Applications are invited for First Mile Innovation Challenge -Crowdsourcing solutions for global primary careTimeline 1. Letter of intent submission – due on January 10th, 2017 (Midnight EST)2. Notification to applicants accepted for full proposal submission – January 19th, 20173. S...

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IWMF Reporting Grant for Women' Stories

Reporting Grants for Women's Stories December 2016 Funding The IWMF’s Reporting Grants for Women’s Stories, sponsored by The Secular Society, is a new funding initiative supporting journalism produced by and about women. In an era of increased globalization, the need for varied cove...

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Open Society Opportunity Fund

The Roma Initiatives Office invites Roma and pro-Roma organizations, and nonformal groups, networks, or individuals from Albania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Spain to apply for urgent-action grants of up to $15,000, provided that they meet certain...

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Open Society Fellowships -2016-17

The Open Society Fellowship was founded in 2008 to support individuals pursuing innovative and unconventional approaches to fundamental open society challenges. The fellowship funds work that will enrich public understanding of those challenges and stimulate far-reaching and probing conversations wi...

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Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa

OSIEA (Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa) plays an active role in encouraging open, informed dialogue on issues of importance in Eastern Africa. Through a combination of grant making, advocacy and convening power, OSIEA is able to support and amplify the voices of pro-democracy organization...

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PADI Foundation

The PADI FOUNDATION encourages and supports underwater science, environmental projects, and education. The Foundation will fund and assist worthwhile projects that will enrich mankind's understanding of the aquatic environment and encourage sensitivity to and protection of the delicate ecological ba...

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Arbonne Charitable Foundation Grant

Apply for an Arbonne Charitable Foundation® GrantOur Mission:The Arbonne Charitable Foundation’s mission is to provide support for programs and opportunities that promote the development of confidence and self‑esteem in teenage girls and boys.The Arbonne Charitable Foundation suppor...

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Humanitarian Innovation Fund - Eligibility

EXAMPLES OF RECOGNITION PROJECTS: Understanding the Humanitarian effects of Violence on Vulnerable Children and women in Latin America and the Caribbean – Save the ChildrenIn this region relief has largely focused on responding to natural disasters and livelihood priorities. Violence was ...

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Humanitarian Innovation Fund - Call for Applications

Applications are invited for the Humanitarian Innovation Fund which supports organisations and individuals to identify,nurture and share innovative and scalable solutions to the challenges facing effective humanitarian assistance. A grant up to £50,000 is available for the Recognition pha...

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Soros Equality Fellowships - Open Society Grants - Guidelines

Ineligibility Criteria The program does NOT fund the following:enrollment for degree or nondegree study at academic institutions, including dissertation researchprojects that address racial justice issues outside the United States (applicants themselves, however, can be based outside the United...

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Soros Equality Fellowships - Open Society Grants

The Soros Equality Fellowship supports emerging midcareer professionals who will become long-term innovative leaders impacting the racial justice field. The fellowship award includes $80,000 to $100,000 over the course of the fellowship period, accompanied by the requisite skill building, mento...

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Common Fund For Commodities Objectives

OBJECTIVES OF CFC'S PROJECT FINANCINGThe CFC supported activities promote the development of the commodity sector in CFC membercountries and contribute to sustainable development in the following aspects: (i) Social: Create employment (particularly for youth and women), provide sustainedincreas...

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Common Fund For Commodities invites Applications

The CFC (an intergovernmental financial institution) provides financing to organisations and enterprises engaged in commodity value chains in its member countries. Through a range of financial instruments, the CFC seeks to support business activities in the field of commodity development, including ...

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Baldwin Fellowships help students from developing countries - Guidelines

There are two different deadlines depending on whether you have previously received a Baldwin Fellowship:New Applicants:  February 15thReturning Applicants:  March 1stPlease Note:  If the deadline falls on a weekend, the application will be due the end of the next business day.Baldwin...

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Baldwin Fellowships help students from developing countries

The Baldwin Fellowships help students from developing countries get advanced education and training in paleoanthropology and primatology. Franklin Mosher Baldwin Memorial Fellowships are intended for scholars and students with citizenship in a developing country who wish to obtain edu...

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