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Funds for NGOs and Funds for Indian NGOs

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Call for Proposals - End Violence Against Children

 The Fund to End Violence Against Children seeks proposals for grants that address the Fund's first priority area - online child sexual exploitationThe Fund accepts multi-year grant applications for up to $1million in English, French and Spanish submitted online through the application portal.&...

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Global Emergency Response and Recovery Partner Engagement - Philippines

 Global Emergency Response and Recovery Partner Engagement - Philippines : Expanding Efforts and Strategies to Improve Rapid Response to Public Health Emergencies Globally Eligibility:Eligible Applicants: Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for...

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PEPFAR Small Grants Program 2016, U.S. Embassy, Kampala,Uganda

PEPFAR Small Grants Program 2016, U.S. Embassy, Kampala,Uganda: The Community Grants Program to Combat HIV/AIDS, which is funded by PEPFAR, seeks to assist communities and local Ugandan grassroots organizations with small-scale development projects to provide care and support to key populations...

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The Brenthurst Foundation's Machel-Mandela Fellows Programme for African Countries

The Brenthurst Foundation's Machel-Mandela Fellows Programme for African Countries, the details of eligible countries are given.The Brenthurst Foundation is inviting applications from young graduates for the Machel-Mandela Fellows Programme, named in honour of former South African President Nelson M...

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Civil Society Leadership Awards

 The Civil Society Leadership Awards (CSLA) provide fully funded master’s degree study to individuals who clearly demonstrate academic and professional excellence and a deep commitment to leading positive social change in their communities.CSLA directly assists future leaders in countries...

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Eko Energy Call for Proposals

EKOenergy is network of environmental not-for-profit organisations and we promote sustainable renewable energy. The network manages the EKOenergy label, the only international label for renewable electricity. For each MWh of EKOenergy-certified electricity, at least €0.10 goes to EKOenergy&rsqu...

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Positive Action for Girls and Women Call for Proposals

This Concept Note is intended to help us decide whether or not you are eligible to be invited to apply for a grant and whether your proposed project fits within our current funding priorities, as set out in the Positive Action for Girls and Women (PAGW) Funding Framework accessible on the PAGW websi...

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EOI on Innovative Concepts on Worker Empowerment in the Apparel Sector

C&A Foundation is looking for innovative concepts to improve working conditions in the apparel supply chain. We are calling for Expressions of Interest (EOI) that:1) Increase accountability in the apparel industry through more transparent and traceable supply chains; and/or2) Enable apparel work...

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EOI on Innovative Concepts on Transparency in Apparel Supply Chain

C&A Foundation is looking for innovative concepts to improve working conditions in the apparel supply chain. We are calling for Expressions of Interest (EOI) that:1) Increase accountability in the apparel industry through more transparent and traceable supply chains; and/or2) Enable apparel work...

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Nominate for Young Leaders Initiative  believe that young people are a force for good in the world, that we have the imagination, courage and ingenuity to find lasting solutions to the world’s greatest challenges. We believe that our interdependence and shared humanity requires us to give all we can to make s...

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School Enterprise Challenge 2016

What is the School Enterprise Challenge?The Birches South Africa (Farm Stall) 2013:The School Enterprise Challenge is an international awards programme for schools around the world with up to $50,000 in prizes available for the most entrepreneurial schools, teachers and students.This free programme ...

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CISCO Global Impact Grant Process

 Application Process for Global Impact Cash GrantsGlobal Impact Cash Grants  multiply the impact of eligible organizations around the globe with national or multinational operations. Cisco welcomes applications from community partners who share our vision and offer an innovative approach w...

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Application for Global Impact Cash Grants CISCO

 Cisco invests in scalable and self-sustaining programs that use technology to meet some of society's biggest challenges. We deploy our expertise, technology, partnerships, and financial resources to help build thriving, prosperous communities that improve people's lives and support our busines...

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Open Society Internship for Rights and Governance.

The Open Society Internship for Rights and Governance is a project of the Open Society Foundations that launched in the summer of 2013 in partnership with the School of Public Policy at Central European University. It is designed to inspire a new cohort of practitioners committed to working both in ...

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Open Society Fellowships-2016.

The Open Society Fellowship was founded in 2008 to support individuals pursuing innovative and unconventional approaches to fundamental open society challenges. The fellowship funds work that will enrich public understanding of those challenges and stimulate far-reaching and probing conversations wi...

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Leadership in Government Fellowship - for US

The Open Society Foundations are pleased to announce a new opportunity for senior-level government officials and staff in the United States who have recently left public service. Open Society’s U.S. Programs will award individual grants in 2016 to people who have played a significant role in a...

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Grants for Latin America Programme

The Latin America Program of the Open Society Foundations focuses its funding on four issue areas:Accountability and TransparencyPolicy Debate and DialogueHuman RightsCitizen SecurityGuidelinesTo apply for a grant from the program, please send a one- to two-page letter of inquiry to latinamerica@ope...

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Supporting Independent Journalism and Innovation

The Program on Independent Journalism supports promising initiatives led by individuals or collectives that strive to improve their journalism under difficult circumstances, such as autocracy, violence, repression, or poverty—or in moments of great opportunity, such as first democratic electio...

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The Bloomberg InitiativeTo Reduce Tobacco Use

A global initiative to reducetobacco use in low-and middle-income countries was launched in 2006 with funds from Michael R. Bloomberg. A competitively awarded grants program is an important part of the Initiative. The grants program supports projects to develop and deliver high-impact evidence-based...

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International Post Graduate Training Scheme

Seven universities from low- and middle-income countries have been selected to host the TDR international postgraduate training scheme in implementation research to improve health. There are 3 universities in Africa, 2 in Asia, and 1 each in Latin America and the Middle Eastern region. Each will ser...

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