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Criteria - Waitt Foundation

Activities: Others

Before applying you need to see the requirement for applying for this grant which are mentioned below. 

Grantee Requirements

Collaborating with people and organizations who share our principles…

What Waitt Foundation  Look For

The Waitt Foundation is currently considering grant proposals for projects related to Ocean Conservation on a global scale with a primary focus on the creation of new or expanded no-take marine protected areas or sanctuaries in developing states where the government is a full and early partner. We are exploring public-private MPA partnerships and welcome projects that meet this paradigm. We look for and encourage collaboration among all our grantees.

Who Waitt Foundation  Look For

We look for grantees who want to make a lasting difference and share our principles. We look for grantees willing to leverage their relationships to effect positive change.  We also look for the following characteristics:

• Focus on results
• Thoughtful strategy
• Sound operations
• Strong execution
• Financial stability
• Dynamic leadership
• Collaborative environment
• Strategic alliances
• Continuous evaluation/improvement
• Mass communication savvy

All applicants will be treated without regard to age, sex, color, religion, race, national origin, citizenship, veteran or future military status, sexual orientation, gender identification, marital status, physical or mental disability, legal source of income or any other by law.

Your Non-Profit Tax Status

U.S. Applicants

Organizations must have a U.S. tax identification number and be able to provide a current copy of their IRS 501(c)(3) determination letter. A charitable organization may apply through a fiscal sponsor if not currently registered as a 501(c)(3), however, documentation of the fiscal sponsor’s non-profit status is required. Only organizations with federal non-profit agency tax status can receive financial support from the Waitt Foundation. During the application process, you will be asked to provide proof of your non-profit 501(c)(3) status - applications without this information will not be considered.

International Applicants

 Organizations outside the United States may apply for a grant.  If your organization would like to apply for a grant and it does not have a U.S. non-profit status or U.S. fiscal sponsor, an affidavit or proof that the organization is the equivalent of a public charity under U.S. tax law is required.  During the application process, you will be asked to provide proof and documentation of charitable status (examples: articles of incorporation, charter, certificate of registered charity).  Applications without proof of charitable status will not be considered.  During the review process, you may be asked to provide additional information such as bylaws of the organization and/or financial statements.

Waitt Foundation  Grant Minimum

There is a $100,000 USD minimum for all grant requests. Multi-year proposals will be considered. For the ROC Grants Program, the typical funding amount is $1,000 - $10,000 and not to exceed a request of $20,000.

Waitt Foundation Grant Maximum

We have no maximum limit on the dollar amount requested.  We do, however, ask that the grant amounted requested reflect the scope of the project.

Ineligible Categories

Generally, the Waitt Foundation does NOT fund the following categories:

• For-profit organizations
• Individuals
• Capital campaigns
• Endowments
• Debt reduction
• The arts
• Religious organizations
• Healthcare organizations/hospitals
• Violence prevention campaigns (supported by WIVP Program)
• Lobbying of any kind

Cick for Application Process and other information 

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Other Grants:




CAF Grants 

Apply for INDIACSR Community Initiative Awards 

Sir Dorabji TataTrust Grants 

Waitt FoundationGrants 

Antipode Foundation Awards 

EoI-Research and Capacity Devp  


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