Who May Be Eligible
The foundation makes most of its grants to U.S. tax-exempt organizations that our staff independently identifies. A small percentage of grantmaking occurs through Requests for Proposals (RFPs). The foundation does not make grants to individuals.
How We Focus Our Grantmaking
To invest resources most responsibly, the foundation begins by asking: - What affects the most people?
- What has been neglected?
- Where can we make the greatest change?
- How can we harness innovative solutions and technologies?
- How can we work in partnership with experts, governments, and businesses?
Next, we look for projects that: - Produce measurable results
- Use preventive approaches
- Promise significant and long-lasting change
- Leverage support from other sources
- Accelerate work the foundation already supports
Examples of areas the foundation does not fund include: - Projects addressing health problems in developed countries
- Political campaigns and legislative lobbying efforts
- Building or capital campaigns
- Projects that exclusively serve religious purposes
- Direct support for individuals
For Individuals Seeking Funds
In keeping with our charter, the foundation does not provide funding for individuals. Please see our
additional resources for individuals for information about other organizations where you may be able to seek help.