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Latin America and Caribbean Prog Focus Areas

Activities: Others

The Open Society Latin America Program works to strengthen democratic governance by fostering open societies that are safe, inclusive, and responsive to their citizens’ needs and aspirations.  The program believes in the need for a vibrant civil society that holds government accountable.  It encourages the participation of Latin Americans in global and regional debates on issues of vital importance to their countries, such as citizen security, accountability and transparency, and the defense of human rights.

Through grantmaking and advocacy efforts, the Latin America Program supports the work of civil society organizations and their constructive engagement in the development, implementation, and oversight of public policies. The program counterparts are NGOs, grassroots networks, and applied research and training organizations.

The program’s strategy includes a concentrated resource approach to priority countries (Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela) in addition to support for strategic regional initiatives in areas of thematic focus. Key focus areas include:

•accountability, transparency, and access to information
•citizen security
•human rights
•policy debate and dialogue

The program works closely with the Fondation Connaissance et Liberté in Haiti. It also collaborates with other Open Society programs, such as the Information Program, Global Drug Policy Program, Media Program, and the Open Society Justice Initiative.

Focus Areas

Accountability and Transparency

The Latin America Program supports initiatives that encourage informed, constructive public oversight of government policy. show more 

Citizen Security

The Latin America Program supports initiatives that encourage constructive policy advocacy and dialogue between civil society and governments relating to issues of citizen security, law enforcement, and judicial policies. show more 

Human Rights

The Latin America Program supports organizations that advance human rights and strengthen the rule of law. show more

Policy Debate and Dialogue

The Latin America Program encourages greater participation in the formulation of international policies that reduce conflict, reinforce democratic governance, and promote social justice.

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 Tags : Mexico  Caribbean  Peru  Venezuela  Latin America  Open Society Fundation  

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