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Burma Project

Funds for NGOs

Activities: Others


The Burma Project, established by the Open Society Foundations in 1994, is dedicated to increasing international awareness of conditions in Burma and helping the country make a successful transition from a closed to an open society. To this end, the Burma Project prioritizes projects supporting marginalized communities including ethnic minorities, women, and youth.

Eligibility Criteria: The Burma Project supports efforts to: address and prevent human rights abuses; promote independent media and access to information; encourage peace and reconciliation; empower women, youth, and ethnic minorities; and encourage an end to discrimination.

The Burma Project prioritizes grants to organizations working directly in Burma.

Ineligibility Criteria: The Burma Project does not invite proposals from international groups, but will solicit them when a need is identified.

Ineligible projects include support for the following: governments or political parties, agriculture or rural development projects, social welfare projects (including schools, orphanages, and basic service provision) construction costs, microfinance loans, film production, individual education, or research costs. The Burma Project/Southeast Asia Initiative also does not support cultural or environmental projects, unless directly connected to the protection and promotion of civil and political rights. Students from Burma, Cambodia, and Laos seeking individual scholarships should contact the Open Society Scholarship Programs. Other Open Society programs that support individuals include the Open Society Fellowship Program and the Documentary Photography Project.

Guidelines:To apply, please complete all required fields in the online application, upload a narrative proposal, and upload a budget using the Open Society Foundations budget template. Open Society Foundations Grant Portal instructions, application instructions, and a budget template are available for download at the top left of this screen. Additionally, questions about the application process or the new Open Society Foundations Grant Portal can be directed to

Download burma-project-application

Download burma-project-budget-template


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