NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Youth Envirnmental Grants Guidelines

Funds for NGOs

Activities: Forest & Environment,Youth

We seek compassion-driven visionaries who are ready to launch a new social change effort and need some seed capital to get started.
 We encourage applications from people who can envision and lead projects that will grow, blossom and truly change the world. We love to fund the infrastructure, outreach and other tangible things you need to get started.


We fund in the
 following categories:
•Compassion towards all life
•Environmental sustainability
•Justice in all of its forms
•Community health and wellness
•Putting consciousness into action
•Social change-oriented arts and culture

Click here for great funding ideas


The Pollination Project FUNDS:
•Passionate, committed people with a social change vision that fits within one or more of our categories above.
•Projects in their early stage of development and where a small amount of money will go a very long way.
•Supplies, program materials, direct travel expenses, website fees, discounted professional services, printing, copying, promotional costs, technical support.
•501(c)(3) filing fees and expenses only if : 1) You have a minimum of $2,500 in written pledges from donors stating they will not give to your project unless you have a 501c3 in place; 2) You have carefully read and considered the pros and cons of starting and operating a c3 as well as the alternatives and have a compelling reason that you need to launch a c3, and 3) a clear and thoughtful fundraising plan. Please read more here.
•Projects with a clear target audience and compelling plan to reach and impact that target audience in a positive way.
•Projects that do not expect to earn income or any income will be used for a purely charitable effort.
•Pay it forward “loans” where the grantee is starting a for-profit (income earning) social benefit project. Please see pay it forward loans for more information on this program.

The Pollination Project does NOT fund
•Established organizations or corporations with any paid staff.
•Payment to the grantee or a member of the grantee’s family for their time or services.
•Projects that have well-established funding sources.
•Scholarships, training fees or travel fees for one person to attend a training.
•Projects where the primary benefit is to the grantee or to any one individual.
•One-off needs such as training fees or participation in a one-time event or activity unless there’s a clear, long term purpose to that participation.
•Anything that directly conflicts with our values such as products or activities that harm animals or products that directly harm the environment and/or people (including events or meetings where animal products are consumed, food that uses animal products including pet food, books or other materials not printed on recycled paper, disposable items that are only used once and then thrown away).
•Projects that influence the outcome of any specific election for candidates to public office, inducing or encouraging violations of law or public policy or causing any improper private benefit to occur.
•Computer, video, tablets or other technology where the primary benefit is for one person, or where the project only needs the equipment for short term use. (If you are requesting funding for one of these items, be sure to very clearly explain why it is necessary for achieving your project goals).
•Projects that require grant payments via Moneygram, Western Union or any other cash-based payment system.

To Apply  

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Tags:  Funds for Indian NGOs 

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