NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Student Initiative Grants

Funds for NGOs

Activities: Education,Others

Open Sociey invites applications for Student Initiative Grants

The Student Initiatives aim to help students formulate and pursue individual and collective commitments to progressive change in higher education and build open and inclusive networks of informed opinion and action across the borders. The program supports student groups committed to building awareness and claiming a stronger voice in advocating for the issues immediately relevant to the quality of their educational experience and inspires students with the sense of responsibility in their academic and local community.

Eligibility Criteria

Applications are only accepted from students enrolled at the following universities.

ACCAI Network universities:
•Mekelle University (Ethiopia)
•University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania)
•University of Ghana (Ghana)
•University of Stellenbosch (South Africa)
•University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa)

Partners of the ACCAI Network universities:
•Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia)
•Bahir Dar University (Ethiopia)
•Haramaya University (Ethiopia)
•Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania)
•State University of Zanzibar (Tanzania)
•University of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa)
•University of Venda (South Africa)
•University of the Western Cape (South Africa)

 Download Guidelines

For further information visit: 

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Fellowship Program Open Society

Reaching the Moveable Middle Funds for NGOs

Diagnostic tools for poverty-related diseases

Grant Innovation in Conflict Transformation  



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