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Access to Learning Award - Gates Foundation

Activities: Others
How to Apply for the Access to Learning Award



About the Award

The Access to Learning Award (ATLA) honors innovative organizations that are opening a world of online information to people in need. The foundation’s Global Libraries initiative invites applications from libraries and similar organizations outside the United States that have created new ways to offer these key services:
  • Free public access to computers and the Internet.
  • Public training to assist users in accessing online information that can help improve their lives.
  • Technology training for library staff.
  • Outreach to underserved communities.

The award recipient will receive $1 million (U.S.).

 How to Apply for the 2011 Award

1.     Download the application from the link below and save it to your computer.

2.     Confirm your organization’s eligibility. Please read all the information on the form carefully.

3.     Complete the application in English and follow all of the provided instructions.

4.     Submit your completed application online.

Download the 2011 ATLA Application Form 
(DOC, 70KB, 15 pages)Note: Microsoft Word 2003 or higher is required to open this file.  


The 2011 ATLA application form includes a detailed description of eligibility requirements.Please note:

  • Applications are open to institutions outside the United States that are working with disadvantaged communities.
  • To be eligible, the applying institution must allow all members of the public to use computers and the Internet free of charge in a community space.
Timeline Deadline: All applications must be received by September 30, 2010.
  • Selection: All applicants will be notified of their award status by July 2011.
  • Announcement: The foundation will publicly announce the recipient of the 2011 Access to Learning Award in August 2011.


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