NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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Encouraging Community Service -American Express CSR Support

Encouraging Community Service Where Our Employees and Customers Live and Work

Service is the rent we pay for living. It is the very purpose of life and not something you do in your spare time." -- Marian Wright Edelman

At American Express, service has been a hallmark of our company throughout its 160-year history. This service ethos comes to life every time we help a customer – whether with a simple, everyday request or in an emergency situation. We show the same care and commitment to service in our communities.

We encourage good citizenship by supporting organizations that cultivate meaningful opportunities for civic engagement by our employees and members of the community, whether as volunteers, donors, voters or patrons.

 We also serve our communities by supporting immediate and long-term relief and recovery efforts to help victims of natural disasters. Funding also goes to support preparedness programs that allow relief agencies to be better equipped in responding to emergencies as they occur.


Supported programs encourage community service and civic participation, and deliver measurable outcomes that have a lasting impact on communities through one or more of the following:

 Building the capacity of nonprofits by assisting them in developing, engaging and retaining community members as volunteers.

 Encouraging citizens to play an active role in civic processes (e.g., voting).

 Engaging community members and American Express employees in ongoing service. This may involve a variety of activities from promoting individual philanthropy, volunteerism or participation in local civic organizations.

CSR Support for Leadership- Developing New Leaders for Tomorrow  

CSR Support for Preserving and Sustaining Unique Historic Places for the Future   

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 Other related: 

 Small Grants Myanmar and Vietnam

Small Grants for Mediterranean Countries 

Small Grants from Yemen Ethiopia Rwanda Burundi DRC Malawi and Zambia 


Bournemouth University Scholarship 

Grants Manos Unidas 


 Team Building and its advantages 

Team Building Activities 

Principles of Team Building 

When an organisation go for Team Building Process 

Team Building Indoor games  




~ ngoportal 12/12/2013

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